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Care and Maintenance Guide for Aloe Vera

1、盆土 Selection and Preparation

A suitable soil mixture is crucial for healthy aloe vera growth. Opt for a blend that ensures good drainage, water retention, air circulation, and nutrient storage. An ideal mix consists of 2 parts composted matter, 2 parts garden soil, and 1 part river sand.

Choose clay pots for planting as they provide better air circulation compared to glazed or plastic ones. After potting, ensure the entire pot is thoroughly soaked to prevent uneven moisture in the walls during initial establishment.

Aloe Vera Plant

2、Temperature Management

Native to desert regions with no frost, aloe vera prefers warm conditions. The optimal temperature range for growth is between 5°C to 15°C, with humidity levels between 5% to 45%. Temperatures below 5°C can halt growth, while freezing temperatures may cause abnormalities.

3、Watering Regimen

Aloe vera, known for its drought tolerance, can survive without regular watering. However, overwatering can lead to root rot. Spring requires watering every 5 to 7 days, summer every 2 to 3 days (avoiding midday sun), autumn once every 5 to 7 days, and winter (if above 15°C), every 15 to 20 days.

4、Sunlight Exposure

Sunlight is essential for aloe vera's thriving health. New plants should have morning light exposure only, but established ones benefit from ample sunlight. More sunlight equals healthier growth.

Aloe Vera Plant

5、Cautions and Tips

Avoid Imbalance: During growth, aloe vera produces offsets at the base. While this aids propagation, prematurely removing them can destabilize the plant. Allow the offsets to grow and develop strong roots before separation. Enhance Ventilation: Although resistant to pests, aloe vera can suffer brown spots on leaves in humid, poorly ventilated environments or when fertilizer comes into contact with the foliage. Regularly check and maintain proper ventilation.



网址: 芦荟的养殖方法和注意事项详解 https://m.huajiangbk.com/zhidaoview858.html

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