调查区柑橘权重平均单产为26480 kg/hm2,总体属于偏低水平。柑橘园氮、磷、钾肥年平均用量分别为494、364和397 kg/hm2,比例为1∶0.74∶0.80;99.2%的柑橘园施用化肥,仅47.8%的柑橘园施用有机肥,年均有机氮、磷、钾养分仅占总施用量的9.58%、19.6%和6.24%,有机肥投入严重不足。根据文献统计得出的柑橘建议施肥量推算,我国柑橘氮、磷、钾肥过量施用面积占比分别为57.3%、76.6%、69.1%,氮、磷、钾肥纯养分量分别过量36.2万吨、42.5万吨、35.5万吨,减施潜力分别为28.3%、48.2%和29.0%,其中以磷肥过量比例最高、减施潜力最大,以福建产区和柚类氮、磷、钾过量施用面积比例、过量投入量和减施潜力最大。
Clarifying the present situation of N, P2O5, K2O fertilizer input is the base to evaluate the potential of reducing fertilizer application in the main citrus orchards of China.
Field surveys and questionnaires were conducted in the main citrus production areas of China in 2015. The plantation areas, application rate of N, P2O5, K2O fertilizers and the yields of the three main harvested citrus in 2458 households in 9 provinces were obtained, the reducing potential of fertilizer amount was estimated according to the fertilizer recommendation in the open published papers.
In the surveyed provinces, the weighted average yield of citrus was 26480 kg/hm2, and the overall level of the yield is relatively low. The application rates of N, P2O5, K2O fertilizers were 494, 364 and 397 kg/hm2, respectively, with the ratio of 1∶0.74∶0.80. And 99.2% of total surveyed citrus orchards received chemical fertilizers, while only 47.8% received organic manure, merely accounting for 9.58%, 9.6% and 6.24% of total N, P2O5, K2O inputs, meant the organic fertilizer was seriously deficient in citrus orchards. According to the reported fertilizer recommendation for citrus, the excessive applying area of N, P2O5, K2O fertilizer occupied 57.3%, 76.6% and 69.1% of the total citrus area, with excessive amount of 362, 425, and 355 million kilograms, and the corresponding reducing potential of N, P2O5, K2O fertilizers was 28.3%, 48.2% and 29.0%, respectively, the excess proportion of phosphorus fertilizer was the highest, while the N, P2O5, K2O fertilizers excess proportion, amount and reducing potential in orchards in Fujian and Pomelo were all the highest.
The average fruit yield per unit area of citrus in China is low, while the excessive application of N, P2O5, K2O fertilizer in citrus orchards is serious with great reducing potentiality, especially that of phosphorous fertilizer. The largest reducing potential is in pomelo production in Fujian provinc, where has the largest area and rate of excessive application of N, P and K fertilizers.
表 1 我国柑橘主产省份调查区域、样本数与调查面积
Table 1 Sampling number, representative region and area surveyed in the main citrus growing provinces of China
省份表 2 我国柑橘主产省份三类柑橘的种植农户数和面积比例
Table 2 Proportion of household number and area of the three citrus species in the main citrus growing provinces of China
省份表 3 我国柑橘主产省份单产水平
Table 3 Fruit yield level in citrus orchards of the main producing provinces in China
省份表 4 不同柑橘品种推荐施肥量
Table 4 Recommendation application rate of N, P2O5, K2O of different citrus cultivars
数据来源表 5 我国柑橘主产省份有机无机氮磷钾肥施用量 (kg/hm2)
Table 5 Application rates of chemical and organic N, P, K in the main citrus production provinces of China
省份表 6 我国主产省份不同品种柑橘氮、磷、钾肥施用量 (kg/hm2)
Table 6 NPK application rates of different citrus cultivars in the main producing provinces of China
省份表 7 我国主产省份柑橘园氮、磷、钾肥施用不足、适宜和过量面积比 (%)
Table 7 The area percentage of insufficient, optimum and excessive application of N, P2O5 and K2O in citrus orchards of the main producing provinces in China
省份表 8 我国柑橘主产省份氮、磷、钾肥年过量投入量
Table 8 The excessive amount of N, P2O5, K2O fertilizer in citrus orchards of the main producing provinces in China
省份表 9 我国柑橘主产省份三类柑橘氮磷钾肥减施潜力 (%)
Table 9 Reducing potential of NPK rate of the citrus in the main citrus provinces of China
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网址: 我国柑橘氮磷钾肥用量及减施潜力 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview1062579.html
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