首页 > 分享 > 我国不同种类柑橘养分状况及氮磷钾推荐用量研究






根据土壤类型 、 柑橘种类( 宽皮柑橘类、甜橙类、柚类、柠檬类和杂柑类 )、树龄及产量水平,将我国柑橘主产区湖北、湖南、江西、四川、广东、广西、福建、云南、浙 江、陕西、重庆等 11 省 (市、区) 的柑橘园划分为 1200 个采样单元,每个采样单元为3.3~6.7 hm2,于2010—2017年在柑橘成熟期 (9—12月),采集土壤、叶片及果实样品,调查柑橘产量、施肥量,分析叶片养分含量、土壤速效氮磷钾含量,并依据柑橘产量进行氮磷钾肥施用量及施用比例的推荐。


低产水平果园氮 (N)、磷 (P2O5)、钾 (K2O) 肥推荐用量:宽皮柑橘类分别为189.75~253.00、76.20~96.13、133.20~159.84 kg/hm2,甜橙类分别为176.94~235.92、101.02~123.47、128.03~153.64 kg/hm2;柚类分别为134.76~179.68、69.04~84.38、125.21~150.25 kg/hm2;柠檬类分别为91.33~121.77、55.43~67.75、79.68~95.62 kg/hm2;杂柑类分别为109.42~145.89、70.06~85.63、93.18~111.81 kg/hm2。中产水平果园氮 (N)、磷 (P2O5)、钾 (K2O) 肥推荐用量:宽皮柑橘类分别为216.86~337.33、83.82~139.70、145.31~245.91 kg/hm2;甜橙类分别为202.22~314.56、111.12~185.20、139.67~236.37 kg/hm2;柚类分别为154.01~239.57、75.95~126.58、136.59~231.15 kg/hm2;柠檬类分别为104.37~162.36、60.98~101.63、86.92~147.10 kg/hm2;杂柑类分别为125.05~194.52、77.07~128.45、101.65~172.02 kg/hm2。高产水平果园氮 (N)、磷 (P2O5)、钾 (K2O) 肥推荐用量:宽皮柑橘类分别为303.60~474.38、118.06~190.50、222.00~330.00 kg/hm2;甜橙类分别为283.10~442.35、156.51~252.55、213.39~320.08 kg/hm2;柚类分别为215.62~336.90、106.96~172.60、208.68~313.01 kg/hm2;柠檬类分别为146.12~243.54、85.88~147.82、132.80~212.48 kg/hm2;杂柑类分别为175.07~273.54、108.55~175.16、155.29~232.94 kg/hm2。





Mineral nutrient contents in citrus fruits, as well as the fertility status of citrus orchard soils were investigated across China, specific fertilizer rates of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium were proposed for each type of citrus in China.


The main species of citrus in China included mandarin, sweet orange, pomelo, lemon and hetero-citrus. The citrus production belt was spread across 11 provinces and were divided into 1200 sampling units, based on the soil type and orchard age; each sampling unit was 3.3–6.7 hm2. From 2010 to 2017, soil and leaf samples were collected for nutrient content analysis. The fertilizer dosage and fruit yields were investigated at the same time.


The recommended amounts of N, P, and K fertilizers (N, P2O5, K2O, kg/hm2 respectively) for low-fertility orchards were: mandarin orange 189.75–253.00, 76.20–93.13 and 133.20–159.84; sweet orange 176.94–235.92, 101.02–123.47 and 128.03–153.64; pomelo 134.76–179.68, 69.04–84.38, 125.21–150.25; lemon 91.33–121.77, 55.43–67.75 and 79.68–95.62; hetero-citrus 109.42–145.89, 70.06–85.63 and 93.18–111.81. The recommended amounts of N, P, and K fertilizers (N, P2O5, K2O, kg/hm2 respectively) in the medium-fertility orchard were: mandarin orange 216.86–337.33, 83.82–139.70 and 145.31–245.91; sweet orange 202.22–314.56, 111.12–185.20 and 139.67–236.37; pomelo 154.01–239.57, 75.95–126.58 and 136.59–231.15; lemon 104.37–162.36, 60.98–101.63 and 86.92–147.10; hetero-citrus 125.05–194.52, 77.07–128.45 and 101.65–172.02. The recommended dosages of N, P, and K fertilizers (N, P2O5, K2O, kg/hm2 respectively) for high-fertility orchards were: mandarin orange 303.60–474.38, 118.06–190.50 and 222.00–330.00; sweet orange 283.10–442.35, 156.51–252.55 and 213.39–320.08; pomelo 215.62–336.90, 106.96–172.60 and 208.68–313.01; lemons 146.12–243.54, 85.88–147.82 and 132.80–212.48; hetero-citrus 175.07–273.54, 108.55–175.16 and 155.29–232.94.


Among the 5 citrus species, mandarin orange requires the highest N and K fertilizers and sweet orange requires the highest P fertilizer. The N∶P2O5∶K2O ratio is 1∶0.37–0.41∶0.63–0.73 for mandarin orange, 1∶0.52–0.59∶0.65–0.75 for sweet orange, 1∶0.47–0.53∶0.84–0.97 for pomelo, 1∶ 0.56–0.63∶0.79–0.91 for lemon, and 1∶0.59–0.66∶0.77–0.89 for hetero-citrus.

图  1   我国不同种类柑橘园氮、磷、钾肥施用量

[注(Note):箱形框中的横线和实心菱形点分别表示数据集的中值和平均值,方框边界分别表示数据的上下四分位,“+”表示异常值 (系数为2)。Horizontal lines and solid dot inside boxes represent median and mean values, box boundaries represent the upper and lower quartiles and “+” represents an exception value (coefficient 2).]

Figure  1.   Application rates of N, P2O5 and K2O fertilizers in different kinds of citrus orchards in China

图  2   不同种类柑橘氮、磷、钾肥推荐施用量

[注(Note):箱形框中横线和“”分别表示数据集的中值和平均值,方框边界分别表示数据的上、下四分位Horizontal lines and “”inside boxes represent median and mean values of data sets, respectively, and box boundaries represent the upper and lower quartiles of the data.]

Figure  2.   Recommended application amount of N, P2O5 and K2O fertilizers for different citrus species

表  1   柑橘园土壤和叶片养分含量分级参考标准

Table  1   Reference standard for classification of soil and leaf nutrient content in citrus orchard

类别 Type矿质养分 Mineral nutrient极缺 Extreme deficiency缺乏 Deficiency适量 Optimum高量 High过量 Excess 土壤 Soil碱解氮 Avail-N (mg/kg)< 5050~100100~200> 200速效磷 Olsen-P (mg/kg)< 55~1515~80 > 80速效钾 Avail-K (mg/kg)< 5050~100100~200> 200叶片 LeafN (%)< 2.22.2~2.52.5~2.82.8~3.0> 3.0P (%)< 0.090.09~0.130.13~0.160.16~0.30> 0.30K (%)< 0.70.7~1.31.3~1.81.8~2.4> 2.4

表  2   我国不同种类柑橘果实养分含量及养分携出量

Table  2   Nutrient content and nutrient uptake of different citrus species in China

Citrus species样本数
Sample No.养分含量 Nutrient content (%, DW)养分携出量 Nutrient uptake (kg/t, FW)NPKNP2O5K2O 宽皮柑橘类 Mandarin orange4101.11 ± 0.01 ab0.14 ± 0.01 b0.97 ± 0.01 c1.90 ± 0.03 a0.56 ± 0.02 b2.00 ± 0.03 b甜橙类 Sweet orange4501.13 ± 0.03 ab0.21 ± 0.01 a1.02 ± 0.02 c1.77 ± 0.05 ab0.74 ± 0.03 a1.92 ± 0.04 b柚类 Pomelo2351.00 ± 0.03 b0.16 ± 0.01 b1.53 ± 0.06 a1.35 ± 0.04 d0.51 ± 0.02 b2.50 ± 0.10 a柠檬类 Lemon621.25 ± 0.03 a0.18 ± 0.01 ab1.35 ± 0.03 b1.62 ± 0.04 bc0.54 ± 0.04 b2.12 ± 0.10 b杂柑类 Hetero citrus430.86 ± 0.04 c0.16 ± 0.01 b0.91 ± 0.04 c1.46 ± 0.06 cd0.61 ± 0.04 ab1.86 ± 0.10 b 注(Note):同列数据后不同字母表示柑橘种类间差异显著 (P < 0.05) Values followed by different letters in the column indicate significant difference among different citrus species (P < 0.05) .

表  3   不同种类柑橘的单位产量氮、磷、钾肥推荐用量 (kg/t)

Table  3   Recommended amount of N, P and K fertilizers for different citrus species per unit yield

柑橘种类 Citrus speciesNP2O5K2O 宽皮柑橘类 Mandarin orange5.62~9.371.75~3.103.70~5.33甜橙类 Sweet orange 5.24~8.742.32~4.123.56~5.12柚类 Pomelo3.99~6.651.58~2.814.64~6.68柠檬类 Lemon4.81~8.021.70~3.013.93~5.67杂柑类 Hetero citrus4.32~7.201.91~3.393.45~4.97

表  4   不同柑橘园土壤及柑橘叶片大量元素平均含量及其丰缺比例

Table  4   The average contents of nutrient in citrus soil and leaves and evaluation

Mineral nutrient柑橘种类
Citrus species含量
Content丰缺等级比例 Proportion in each grade (%)极缺
Extreme deficiency缺乏
High 过量
Excess 土壤 Soil碱解氮 Avail-N (mg/kg)宽皮柑橘类 Mandarin orange89.1514.9557.2023.744.11甜橙类 Sweet orange83.7618.8456.0423.671.45柚类 Pomelo98.417.9648.4841.292.27柠檬类 Lemon115.190.0026.8370.732.44杂柑类 Hetero citrus128.532.1342.5538.3017.02速效磷 Olsen-P (mg/kg)宽皮柑橘类 Mandarin orange53.0613.4624.3046.7315.51甜橙类 Sweet orange27.2222.2229.9540.107.73柚类 Pomelo158.855.685.8729.5558.90柠檬类 Lemon25.772.4431.7163.412.44杂柑类 Hetero citrus61.975.3227.6639.3627.66速效钾 Avail-K (mg/kg)宽皮柑橘类 Mandarin orange159.8811.4023.5538.6926.36甜橙类 Sweet orange 139.5813.0428.5036.7221.74柚类 Pomelo189.005.3722.9027.5744.16柠檬类 Lemon134.8412.2036.5824.3926.83杂柑类 Hetero citrus274.481.0911.9631.5255.43叶片 LeafN (%)宽皮柑橘类 Mandarin orange2.3039.8513.5323.6810.5312.41甜橙类 Sweet orange2.4545.1910.5813.4610.5820.19柚类 Pomelo2.578.6235.4443.307.285.36柠檬类 Lemon2.4814.8637.8432.436.768.11杂柑类 Hetero citrus2.6026.858.3316.6713.8934.26P (%)宽皮柑橘类 Mandarin orange0.149.2128.9534.5927.070.18甜橙类 Sweet orange0.165.0513.1347.4732.332.02柚类 Pomelo0.260.3819.3544.6413.7921.84柠檬类 Lemon0.169.4621.6225.6839.194.05杂柑类 Hetero citrus0.135.5531.4837.0425.000.93K (%)宽皮柑橘类 Mandarin orange0.8737.9749.449.213.010.37甜橙类 Sweet orange1.0617.8533.0014.8129.634.71柚类 Pomelo1.1729.319.9651.727.861.15柠檬类 Lemon1.325.4150.0029.7312.162.70杂柑类 Hetero citrus1.1614.8253.7027.783.700.00

表  5   不同种类柑橘不同产量水平氮、磷、钾肥推荐施用量

Table  5   Recommended application amount of N, P and K fertilizer for different citrus speciesunder different yield levels in China

Citrus species产量水平
Yield level (kg/hm2) N
(kg/hm2) 宽皮柑橘类 Mandarin orange低 Low (≤ 30000)189.75~253.0076.20~93.13133.20~159.84中 Medium (30000~60000)216.86~337.3383.82~139.70145.31~245.91高 High (60000~75000)303.60~474.38118.06~190.50222.00~330.00甜橙类 Sweet orange低 Low (≤ 30000)176.94~235.92101.02~123.47128.03~153.64中 Medium (30000~60000)202.22~314.56111.12~185.20139.67~236.37高 High (60000~75000)283.10~442.35156.51~252.55213.39~320.08柚类 Pomelo低 Low (≤ 30000)134.76~179.6869.04~84.38125.21~150.25中 Medium (15000~60000)154.01~239.5775.95~126.58136.59~231.15高 High (60000~75000)215.62~336.90106.96~172.60208.68~313.01柠檬类 Lemon低 Low (≤ 22500)91.33~121.7755.43~67.7579.68~95.62中 Medium (22500~45000)104.37~162.3660.98~101.6386.92~147.10高 High (45000~60000)146.12~243.5485.88~147.82132.80~212.48杂柑类 Hetero citrus低 Low (≤ 30000)109.42~145.8970.06~85.6393.18~111.81中 Medium (30000~60000)125.05~194.5277.07~128.45101.65~172.02高 High (60000~75000)175.07~273.54108.55~175.16155.29~232.94 [1] 庄伊美. 柑桔营养与施肥[J]. 福建果树, 1992, (4): 32–37. Zhuang Y M. Citrus nutrition and fertilization[J]. Fujian Fruit, 1992, (4): 32–37.

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