根状茎 rhizome 匍匐茎 runner 刺状叶 匍匐茎 stolon 卷须 块茎 potato Modified stems 球茎 corm What’s the difference between a strawberry runner and a clover stolon? There are some adventitious roots on the strawberry ruuner, however, no adventitious roots is present on the clover stolon. Anatomy of Horticultural Crops Leaf Root Flower Leaf External Anatomy of the Leaf Phyllotaxy (叶序) Phyllotaxy is arrangement of leaves along the length of the stem at the nodes. The Leaf: Site of Photosynthesis Transpiration 互生 对生 轮生 叶序 alternate - one leaf per node, offset in opposite directions, alternating. Typical of grasses. opposite - two leaves per node, set in opposite directions. whorled - multiple leaves per node, set in a spiral. 角质层 栅栏叶肉细胞 海绵叶肉细胞 Internal anatomy of the leaf A real cross section of leaf The functions of leaf: 1. Food manufacture 2. Protection: bud scales (芽鳞), floral bracts (花苞片), sepals (花萼片) 3. Storage For details, see the textbook (P69). Tips: Normally, bud scales are present in the winter buds, therefore, the plant age can be estimated according to the number of the ring of bud scale scars. a) Cuticle: Waxy layer, water proofing, upper leaves. b) Upper epidermis: Upper layer of cells. No chloroplasts. Protection. c) Palisade Mesophyll: Tightly packed upper layer of chloroplast containing cells. d) Spongy Mesophyll: Lower layer of chloroplast containing cells. Air spaces around them. e) Lower Epidermis (hypodermis): Lower external layer of cells in leaf. f) Vascular Bundle: Bundle of many vessels(导管) (xylem and phloem) for transport. g) Xylem: Living vascular system carrying water minerals throughout plant. h) Phloem: Living vascular system carrying dissolved sugars and organic compounds throughout plant. i) Guard Cells: 2 cells surrounding stomata that control rate of gas water exchange. j) Stomata: Opening between guard cells for gas water exchange. a) Waxy layer, water proofing, upper leaves. b) Upper layer of cells. No chloroplasts. Protection.
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