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2010, 30( 24): 6990 7000 Acta Ecologica Sinica 1 1, * 1 2 2 王 平 , 盛连喜 , 燕 红, 周道玮 , 宋彦涛 ( 1. , 130024; 2. , 130012) : , , , , , , 3 : ; ; ; Plant f nctional traits infl ence soil carbon seq estration in wetland ecosystem 1 1, * 1 2 2 WANG P ing , SHENG L ian i , YAN Hong , ZHOU Daowei, SONG Yantao 1S tate Env ironm en ta l Protec tion K ey L aboratory of W etland Ecology and Veg etation Re storation, Colleg e of Urban and Env ironm en ta l S ciences, N orth ea st N orma l Un iv ersity, Changchun 130024, Ch ina 2N ortheast nstitu te of G eog raphy and A groecology, Ch inese A cad emy of S cien ces, Changchun 130012, C hina Abstract: The carbon cycle ofwetland ecosystem s has mi portant influences on a more general terrestrial ecosystem carbon balance, and it is sensitive to changes in g lobal clmi ate and local land use. H owever, ourm echanistic understand ing of so il carbon sequestration in w etland ecosystem is incomplete. T here have been m any studies on so il carbon sequestration in w etland ecosystem s, butm ost of them focused on the abiotic drivers. In an effort to elucidate the mi portance of biotic factors in influencing the response of ecosystem carbon cycles to global changes, we rev iew ed the influences of plant functional traits and functional tra it d iversity on the so il carbon sequestration of w etland ecosystem s. W e f irst briefly discuss the concepts of plant functional tra its and functional trait diversity. Then we review published literature and reach a broad conclusion that plant functional traits can affect so il carbon cycling through altering carbon inputs and loss to and from soils. M ore specifically, plant growth rate can



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