林业科学研究 2∞8 , 21( 增刊):112-117 For.臼t Research 文章编号:1ω1-1498(2∞8) 增刊。112{活 浙江省花卉进出口贸易现状分析与对策 装丽珍, 章滨森, 孔伟丽, 李庆荣 (浙江省林业种苗管理总站,浙江杭州 31∞20) 摘要:随着浙江省花卉企业的逐步壮大,花卉产品对外交流和贸易日益频繁,进出口额均稳步扩大,但进口额明显小 于出口额。进口产品以种子种球为主,出口产品以切叶为主,进出口业务均集中于几家大中型企业。资源约束、品 种权限制、营销困难、检疫繁琐、恶性竞争等几大因素严重妨碍了浙江省花卉企业进一步发挥成本优势,提高出口产 品档次,扩大出口额,为此需要政府、海关、检疫、企业等各方共同努力,解决相关问题。 关键词:花卉;进出口;现状分析;对策:浙江省 中图分类号:凹24.7 文献标识码:A Analyses on Foreign Trade Status of Flower Plants in Zhejiang Province and the Countermeasures Q/U μ-zhen , ZHANG Bin-sen , KONG Wei-li , U Qing-rong (Zhejiang Forestry S回d Seedling A曲回ms回tion , Hangzhou 31∞20 •Zhejíang , China) Abstract: With the development of horticulture companíes in Zhejíang Province , they began do business wíth foreign companies. The import export values of flower plants have increased constantly , but the import value was less than the export value all the whíIe.ηle most important imports were seeding and bul缸, and the largest parts of the expo此 were made by cutting foliage. Several large and medium-scale companies do such business. Several factors , such as constraints in resources and breeders rights , marketing , overelaborated phytosanitary certificate procedures ,and vicious competítíon ,seriously límited the ente甲rises to play the most of their superiority in prices , to raise the grade of exported products , and to extend export. So it is needed for the cωperation of govemment , the custom , the plant quarantíne bureaus and enterprises to solve the problems concemed. Key words: flower plants; import and export; status analyses; countermeasures; Zhejiang Provínce 浙江省花卉产业的发展,离不开国际合作和国 1 浙江省花卉进出口贸易现状 际贸易。通过人员和产品的走出去,请进来,浙
花卉产业 大有可为——关于临洮县发展花卉产业的调查与分析
网址: 浙江省花卉进出口贸易现状分析与对策.pdf https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview125173.html
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