摘要: 山西油松种子园正处于从初级向高世代发展的关键时期。本文以山西省吕梁山国有林管理局上庄油松初级种子园优树自由授粉子代测定林为研究对象,系统研究了第二代种子园建设中的优良家系选择、优良家系内单株选择、SSR亲缘分析、SSR遗传多样性分析、配置设计等问题。结果表明,子代测定林内家系间的材积生长存在显著差异,在77个测定家系中选出20个优良家系。按照单株材积优势比的相对大小从油松种子园自由授粉子代测定林的20个优良家系中各选出1个最优单株,优良单株的平均材积优势比和平均材积遗传增益分别为0.25和0.13。优良单株间亲缘分析结果表明,20个单株间存在不同程度的亲缘关系,其中3号单株与其余19个单株间的亲缘关系最远;15和17号单株间的亲缘关系最近。优良单株间遗传多样性分析结果表明,单株间的遗传多样性水平较高,其多态信息含量(PIC)的平均值为0.532 4;由单株构成的群体处于相对平衡状态,其杂合度(H)、期望杂合度(He)和固定指数(F)的平均值分别为0.595 5、0.570 3和-0.018 4。根据亲缘分析结果,第二代种子园采用不平衡、不完全固定区组设计的配置方式,考虑无性系间亲缘关系的同时提高了最优无性系出现的比例,实现了材积遗传增益的有效提高。研究结果为指导山西第二代种子园建设提供了重要理论依据,为推进分子标记在油松遗传改良中的应用提供了重要思路。
Abstract: Seed orchard of Chinese pine in Shanxi Province is in the critical period from first-generation to advanced-generation. In this paper, issues related to the establishment of second-generation seed orchard, including elite family selection, within-family superior individual selection, phylogenetic analysis with SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers, genetic diversity analysis with SSR markers and field design, were investigated in the plus-tree open-pollinated progeny test of the first-generation seed orchard of Chinese pine in Shangzhuang, Shanxi Province, China. Results showed that there were significant differences in volume growth among the 77 investigated families and 20 families were selected as the elite families. One superior individual was selected in each of the 20 elite families and a total of 20 superior individuals were selected in the open-pollinated progeny test, with the mean volume dominance ratio and mean volume genetic gain of 0.25 and 0.13. There were varying genetic relationships among the 20 open-pollinated superior individuals. Individual No. 3 was distantly related with the other 19 individuals, however, individual No. 15 and No. 17 were closely related. Genetic diversity results revealed that there were relatively high genetic diversity levels among the 20 superior individuals, with the mean polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.532 4. The 20 superior individuals were in a relatively stable state, with the mean heretability (H), expected heretability (He) and fixation index of 0.595 5, 0.570 3 and -0.018 4, respectively. Unbalanced, incomplete fixed block design was advised in the second-generation seed orchard of Chinese pine in Shangzhuang. The relative phylogenetic relationships among clones were considered and the best clones were represented with higher proportion, which had effectively increased the genetic gain. This study will lay an important theoretical foundation for the establishment of the second-generation seed orchard of Chinese pine in Shanxi province and provide important references for the application of molecular marker technology into the improvement of Chinese pine.
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