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摘要:目的 探究阴道加德纳菌(Gardnerella vaginalis)检出率及唾液酸酶A基因携带与细菌性阴道病(BV)的关系。 方法 选择2017年1月至2019年8月确诊的BV患者82例作为BV组,并随机选择同时期健康女性82例作为健康组,比较2组人群G. vaginalis检出率和唾液酸酶A基因携带情况,相关统计学资料分析其对BV发生的影响。 结果 BV组人群G. vaginalis阳性检出率高于健康组(χ2=11.511,P2=4.148,17.009,9.973,均P2=39.234,P结论 G. vaginalis检出率和唾液酸酶A基因携带情况与BV发生相关,有待成为相关生物学治疗靶点。

Abstract:Objective To explore the relationship between the detection rates of Gardnerella vaginalis and sialidase A gene and bacterial vaginas (BV). Methods A total of 82 patients with BV diagnosed from January 2017 to August 2019 were selected as the BV group, and 82 healthy women were randomly selected as the control group. The detection rates of G. vaginalis and sialidase A gene in the two groups were compared, and their impact on BV was analyzed using relevant statistical data. Results The positive detection rate of G. vaginalis in BV group was higher than that in control group (χ2=11.511, P2=4.148,17.009,9.973, all P2=39.234, PConclusion The detection rates of G. vaginalis and sialidase A gene are correlated with the occurrence of BV, which may potentially become relevant biological therapeutic targets.


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1. 陈乔彬,朱洪,李文雅,程妍,王位. 唾液酸酶法、免疫荧光法在阴道加德纳菌检测中的诊断效能对比. 实用妇科内分泌电子杂志. 2022(24): 89-91 . 百度学术



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