花卉在园林绿化美化建设中的作用 我国目前正积极加速城市化的进程。城市化带来了现代文明,同时也造成了一系列问题,最主要的问题是生态环境的破坏。自然给人以健康和美的享受,人们渴望与自然共融。现代社会的人们即向往自然又离不开城市化进程中的一大矛盾。为了改善并保护生态环境,满足人们对自然的渴求,以植物造景为主,融生态、保健、科学、文化和艺术为一体的生态园林成了现代园林发展的主要方向,同时园林植物的应用情况也成为评价园林优劣的重要指标。 Is actively accelerates the process of urbanization in our country at present. Urbanization has brought modern civilization, also caused a series of problems at the same time, the main problem is the destruction of the ecological environment. Natural health and beauty to enjoy, people are longing for communion with nature. In modern society people yearning nature and without a big contradiction in urbanization process. In order to improve and protect the ecological environment, satisfy people longing for nature, mainly on plant landscape, ecological, health, science, culture and art as a whole has become the main development direction of modern landscape ecology landscape, at the same time, the application situation of garden plants become important indicators of evaluation of landscape. 1、花卉的含义及分类 1, the flowers, the meaning and classification 花卉的种类极多,范围广泛,花卉是园林植物中的重要组成部分,是园林绿化中美化、香化的重要材料。花卉能够快速形成芳草如茵、花团锦簇、五彩缤纷、荷香拂水等优美的植物景观,给环境带来勃勃生机,产生使人心旷神怡、流连忘返的艺术效果。狭义的花卉主要是指具有观赏价值的草本植物,或称之为草花。花卉植物种类繁多,性状各异。根据生态习性和在园林中的栽培应用方式,可将花卉植物分为露地花卉和温室花卉两大类。 The kinds of flowers, a broad range, flowers are an important part of garden plant, is one of the important material in landscaping landscaping, aromatization. Can quickly form plants such as flowers, bushes and flowers, colorful, fragrant lotus kiss the beautiful plant landscape such as water, bring vitality to the environment, make people relaxed and happy, the art of linger effect. Special flower is mainly refers to has the ornamental value of herbs, or call it sucks. There are many different kinds of flower plants and different characters. According to the ecological habits and way of cultivation application in landscape gardening, flowers plant can be divided into two categories: outdoor flowers and greenho
网址: 花卉在园林绿化化建设中的作用.doc https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview138444.html
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