首页 > 分享 > 棉花花铃期土壤持续干旱胁迫对产量形成的调节效应


通过花铃期不同持续时间土壤干旱处理,研究干旱胁迫对棉花产量形成的影响。表明持续干旱对子棉产量影响以单株成铃数>成铃率>单铃重。短期干旱胁迫W1处理增加成铃数显示子棉增产,同步抑制下部内围铃棉纤维和棉子的物质积累量,解除胁迫后形成盛花结铃阶段产量潜载优势,极显著提高下、中部外围和上部内围铃子棉产量,实现增产;花后持续20 d以上干旱胁迫效应会延续至花后50 d,整体降低各部位棉铃的积累物质供应量,产量器官虽具干物质积累相对优势,但子棉产量潜载势降低,单株成铃数、单铃重趋降显示子棉减产;干旱胁迫对子棉产量的调控显示区位效应,降产效应随干旱延长显示由下而上、由内而外区位拓展态势,解除胁迫可获得一定产量补偿。


In this experiment, the effects of water stress on cotton yield was studied by different levels of progressive soil drought on cotton plants during blooming and bolling period . The result showed that, effects of the seed cotton production is number of bolls﹥rate of setting bolls﹥boll wight. It increased number of bolls or seed cotton yield under condition of drought for 10 days after flowering,and reduced the intensity of dry matter accumulation or seed cotton yield of inner bolls in lower branches, and increased the intensity of dry matter accumulation during blooming and bolling periods, or increased seed cotton yield of outer bolls in lower-middle branches and inner bolls in upper branches. The effect of these treatments would go down to 50 days after flowering under condition of drought more than 20 days after flowering. It reduced the quantity of dry matter accumulation in bolls of different position, the opposite preponderance of dry matter accumulation tendency to yield organs, but potential force of seedcotton yield reduced. Numbers of bolls at different positions were led to reduce 13.71%~24.05%, or average seedcotton boll weight 4.03%~6.49%. It shows the effect of reducing yield is expansive in lower to upper and inner to outer.It is possible to gain specified compensation of yield.


棉花 /花铃期 /土壤干旱胁迫 /产量形成 /调节效应{{custom_keyword}} /


cotton /blooming and bolling period /soil drought stress /yield formation /regulating effect{{custom_keyword}} /

蔡红涛, 汤一卒, 刁品春, 荣 利.棉花花铃期土壤持续干旱胁迫对产量形成的调节效应[J]. 棉花学报, 2008, 20(4): 300-305. https://doi.org/10.11963/cs080409

CAI Hong-Tao, TANG Yi-Zu, DIAO Pin-Chun, RONG Li.Regulating Effect of Soil Progressive Drought on Yield of Cotton during Blooming and Bolling Periods[J]. Cotton Science, 2008, 20(4): 300-305. https://doi.org/10.11963/cs080409


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