George Em Karniadakis
Charles Pitts Robinson and John Palmer Barstow Professor of Applied Mathematics
Brown University; also Research Scientist at MIT
George_Karniadakis at
"People who wish to analyze nature without using mathematics must settle for a reduced understanding", Richard Feynman
2016-Spring Course: [APMA2580B]
My interests are in stochastic multiscale modeling of physical and biological systems. Please see a detailed list of my publications per category HERE. Please email me directly if you are interested to work with in my group as a PhD student or postoc (@Brown, MIT or PNNL). Current projects: Lead PI on ARO MURI, DOE/PNNL CM4, DARPA EQuiPS, AFOSR, ARO, NSF and NIH. New Awards: The impact of the work of my group has been recognized in two recent awards: (1) SIAM's 2015 Ralph E Kleinman Award for "many outstanding contributions to Applied Mathematics in a broad range of areas, including computational fluid dynamics, spectral methods and stochastic modeling.” (2) The 2015 MCS Wiederhielm Award "for the most highly cited original article in Microcirculation over the previous five year period for the paper, Blood Flow and Cell-Free Layer in Microvessels."George Karniadakis received his S.M. (1984) and Ph.D. (1987) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was appointed Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT in 1987 and subsequently he joined the Center for Turbulence Research at Stanford / Nasa Ames. He joined Princeton University as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and as Associate Faculty in the Program of Applied and Computational Mathematics. He was a Visiting Professor at Caltech (1993) in the Aeronautics Department. He joined Brown University as Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Center for Fluid Mechanics on January 1, 1994. He became a full professor on July 1, 1996. He has been a Visiting Professor and Senior Lecturer of Ocean/Mechanical Engineering at MIT since September 1, 2000. He was Visiting Professor at Peking University (Fall 2007 & 2013). He is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM, 2010-), Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS, 2004-), Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME, 2003-) and Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA, 2006-). He received the Ralf E Kleinman award from SIAM (2015), the J. Tinsley Oden Medal (2013), and the CFD award (2007) by the US Association in Computational Mechanics. His h-index is 73 and he has been cited over 26,000 times (see my google scholar citations). See complete CV here. You can also check out our Geneaology Tree (remember to zoom in!).
Karniadakis is the lead PI of an OSD/AFOSR MURI on Uncertainty Quantification and Director of a new DOE Center of Mathematics for Mesoscale Modeling of Materials (CM4).His research interests include diverse topics in computational science both on algorithms and applications. A main current thrust is stochastic simulation (in the context of uncertainty quantification and beyond), fractional PDEs, and multiscale modeling of physical and biological systems (especially the brain). Can you believe that we solve problems in 100 dimensions - check this out!. Read here about the exciting field of "New Biology" described by the National Research Council (2009). Read here about our work on sickle cell anemia and also on modeling malaria from first principles, which was also featured on the web site of the National Public Radio. Read here about our work on the first large multiscale modeling of a brain aneurysm (finalist in the Gordon Bell Award, Supercomputing'11). Our new area is neurovascular coupling in the brain, i.e., bridging the gap between neuroscience and vascular mechanics. New experimental evidence suggests the intriguing possibility that by slightly modulating the brain blood flow one can control information processing -- read our paper here! Recent feature article of our work ("Blood in Motion") in American Scientist.
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薰衣草田,赫特福德郡 ,英格兰,英国 (© George W Johnson/Getty Images)
CenBRAIN Neurotech专题学术讲座
Electrochemical synthesis of fuels and chemicals
Diyi Yang
网址: Professor George Karniadakis
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