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[Name]: Daming Xuande Youth Blue and White Gaozu Bowl

[Category]: Porcelain, Blue and White Porcelain, Ming Xuande Blue and White Porcelain

[Age]: Ming Xuande Period

[Introduction] The height is 17.5 cm and the caliber is 15.5 cm.

Imported blue and white materials are used in Xuande, Ming Dynasty. This kind of high iron and low manganese material is easy to dizzy during firing, so the decoration is not clear enough. This bowl is light and elegant with clear decoration, which is really rare. Its moire outlines are drawn with thick and thin lines. This painting method also has an impact on the decoration of later generations'porcelain. Blue and white dizziness, glaze deep into the fetal bone, glaze tinning. It embodies the characteristics of suma-li-qing material at that time.

碗撇口,下腹内收,下承以高足。 体型端 , 比例协调。胎质细腻,玉质感强,微泛红糖斑点,吻合苏麻丽青料制胎特征。 楷书“宣德年制”,字体规范有力,吻合宣德官窑款识。此物为明之重器。

The bowl is skimmed, the lower abdomen receives, and the lower part receives high feet. Body end, proportionally coordinated. Fine texture, strong jade texture, slight brown sugar spots, consistent with the characteristics of Sumari green tire. The regular "Xuande Annual System" has strong font specifications and coincides with Xuande official kiln style. This is the most important thing of the Ming Dynasty.

碗心中央青花双圈内“青花花卉纹”其花卉纹用粗、细线勾画轮廓,此画法对后世瓷器纹饰亦有影响。 为宣德时期花卉纹器物的代表作品。

The blue and white flower pattern in the center of the bowl is outlined with thick and thin lines. This painting method also has an impact on the decoration of later generations'porcelain. It is a representative work of flower pattern utensils in Xuande period.


Xuande's blue and white porcelain has a rich and lustrous glaze. If observed with a magnifying glass of 30 to 50 times, the distribution of bubbles is mostly star-shaped with different sizes and spacing. This kind of stellar bubble is more common, and the more serious the dizziness is, the more common the stellar bubble is. Therefore, it is called "Opening the door" for people in the industry.



大明成化年制缠枝花卉纹青花宫碗欣赏 老古董花之林典藏
Lot0053 明宣德 青花缠枝花卉纹花

网址: 【精品鉴赏】大明宣德年制青花花卉纹高足碗 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview179591.html

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