大家好!这里是广州八熙翻译的《翻译小课堂》,Okay, here come the main points!
送花一直都是一件非常浪漫的事情,日常做就能增添不少浪漫,昨天给大家分享了,在什么场合应该送什么类型的花,那今天就给大家分享每种花的花语代表着什么不同的含意,让你想与外国朋友或是爱人共度平日、假日以及特殊节日,都能轻松选定最适合的花卉! 今天就是你的选花考试日噢!
单词速记 Vocabularyfloral (adj.) 花卉的
linear (adj.) 线性的
solely (adv.) 单独的
florist (n.) 花店;花商
aesthetic (adj.) 美学的
gift (v.) 给予/赠与
wreath (n.) 花圈
chrysanthemum (n.) 菊花
perpetuity (n.) 永久性
purity (n.) 纯度
peony (n.) 牡丹
to opt for (phrs. v.) 选择,挑选
modesty (n.) 谦虚
gratitude (n.) 感激
amaryllis (n.) 孤挺花
narcissus (n.) 水仙
iris (n.) 鸢尾花
tribute (n.) 供品
tulip (n.) 郁金香
gladioli (n.) 剑兰
poinsettia (n.) 一品红
花艺风格与类型 Styles & Types of Flower ArrangementsBefore we get into the meanings behind different flowers and which ones are appropriate for which occasions, it’s a good idea to know some of the more popular styles and types of floral arrangements that you’ll be able to find at your local flower shop.
花艺风格 Styles of Flower ArrangementsTraditional — also known as the Western-style, this style of floral arrangement focuses on using a large assortment of flowers
传统 – 也被称为西方风格,这种插花风格着重于使用各种花卉。
Oriental — oriental flower arrangements have a strong emphasis on the lines of the arrangement and the linear relationships
东方 – 东方插花艺术着重强调整体的线条和线性关系。
Modern — this style of arrangement has no rules, it is solely based on the florist’s aesthetic taste
现代风格 – 这种花艺风格没有规则,单纯建立于在花艺师的审美观上。
花艺的类型 Types of Flower Arrangements
Bouquets 花束
Bouquets are smaller arrangements of flowers, typically made to be handheld.
Table Centerpieces 餐桌装饰品
Meant to be placed on tables as a decorative and fresh ornament.
Floral Baskets 花篮
Instead of having flowers in a vase or to be handheld, flower designs with a basket as a vessel is also a popular type of floral arrangement.
Wreaths 花圈
Wreaths are flowers arranged in a circular form, with a hole in the middle (in the shape of a doughnut).
特别场合以及适合的花 Special Occasions and FlowersFlowers are popular gift ideas, especially for most women. However, with such a wide variety of choices, how do you know which one to gift? I mean, they’re all flowers, is there really a difference? The answer is YES! Some flowers are okay for certain occasions, while others are not so suitable. So, what do different flowers mean and when is it okay to send flowers?
First of all, let’s take a look at the different meanings behind different flower colors:
white — perpetuity and purity
白色 — 永恒与纯真
yellow — innocence and friendship
黄色 — 无辜与友善
orange — joy and success
橙色 — 喜悦与成功
green — the balance between body and mind
绿色 — 身心平衡
blue — peace, harmony, and joy
蓝色 — 和平,和谐与欢乐
red — love and passion
红色 — 爱与激情
pink — positivity and kindness
粉红 — 正面与善良
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