首页 > 分享 > 城市热岛效应的影响机理及其作用规律——以上海市为例


以上海市为例,从土地利用规模和强度的变化、类型和布局的变化、利用方式的变化三个方面揭示其对热岛效应的影响机理;实证分析结果表明:(1)土地城市化是上海城市热岛强度的主要影响因素;就建成区扩张对热岛强度的具体影响而言,累积效应大于其增量效应;(2)工业化、房地产开发、人口增长对上海城市热岛强度均具有较大的影响;就经济发展和能源消耗对城市热岛强度的具体影响而言,密度效应通常大于其规模效应;就全社会房屋竣工面积、20 层以上高层建筑数量对热岛强度的影响而言,累积效应小于增量效应;就人口增长对城市热岛强度的具体影响而言,密度效应与规模效应大体相近;(3)土地利用和城市发展模式的差异导致了城市热岛效应的空间差异。


Urban heat island is the interactive result between human factors and the local weather conditions. In terms of human factors, land use and land cover change, anthropogenic heat and atmospheric emissions of pollutants caused by the interaction between industrialization and urbanization are particularly important. This article reveals the impacting mechanism of urban heat islands effect from the three aspects including scale and intensity, types and layout, and patterns of land use changes exemplified by Shanghai. Empirical evidences show that: (1) Land urbanization is the most important factor affecting urban heat island intensity in Shanghai. In terms of the influence of built-up area expansion on heat island intensity, accumulative effect is greater than incremental effect; (2) Industrialization, real estate development, and population growth are the second more important factors impacting urban heat island intensity in Shanghai. As far as the influence of economic development and energy consumption on heat island intensity is concerned, density effect is often greater than size effect; in terms of the influence of floor space of completed buildings and buildings with over 20 storeys on heat island intensity, accumulative effect is less than incremental effect; as for the influence of population growth on heat island intensity, density effect and size effect are approximately equivalent; (3) Dissimilar urban land properties or types and urban development modes lead to spatial disparity in urban heat island intensity.


规模效应 /增量效应 /密度效应 /影响因素 /关联性规律 /热岛效应 /累积效应{{custom_keyword}} /

Key words

heat islands effect /incremental effect /impacting factors /accumulative effect /size effect /density effect /relevant laws{{custom_keyword}} /


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