摘要 一、二年生草花是城市绿化中重要的植物材料之一。本文介绍了一、二年生草花的 特点、在城市绿化中的作用及其在草坪镶嵌、花坛、立体美化中的应用和造景原则。草 花指草本花卉,有一、二年生及宿根多年生草花?是园林和城市绿化的重要植物材料。 草花种类繁多、繁殖系数高、花色艳丽丰富,在园林绿化中常用来布置成花台、花坛、花 境等,具有很好的观赏价值和装饰作用。草花造景不仅能增强地表的覆盖效果,突出体 现草本花卉在园林绿化美化中的价值和特点。而且可以迅速美化城市,提高城市形象和 品位。美丽的花卉不仅装点了城市,还使人们身心愉悦。 关键词:园林绿化、一、二年生草花 、美化、造景、城市绿化 Abstract A, bie nnial is one of importa nt pla nt material in urba n gree ning. Were introducedin this paper, the characteristics of the biennial brews, in the role of urba n gree ningand its applicati on in the law n Mosaic, flower beds, three-dimensional beautification and the principleof the Iandscape.Brews herbaceous flowers, one, bie nnial and pere nnial root pere nnial grass spe nd. Is one of the importa nt pla nt Ian dscape and urba n gree ning materials. Brews a wide variety, high propagation coefficient, design and color is gorgeous, rich in Ian dscap ing, often used to decorate flower-sta nd, flower beds, flower borders, etc., has the very good orn ame ntal value and ador nment effect. Brews Ian dscape can not only enhance the covering effect of the earths surface, highlighted the value and characteristic of herbaceous flowers in the garden afforestation.And can beautify the city quickly, improve the citys image and grade. Beautiful. Keywords: Ian dscap ing, bie nni al, la ndscap in g, la ndscape, urba n gree ning 目录 TOC o 1-5 h z 摘要 -1- Abstract -2- 刖 言 -5- 1草花的特点 -1- o Current Document 1.1花草种类繁多 -1- o Current Document 1.2花色艳丽丰富、层次明显 -1- o Current Document 2草花在园林绿化中的作用 -2- o Current Document 2.1香化、美化环境 -2- o Current Document 2.2 改善环境、涵养水源 -2- o Current Document 2.3增加绿化层次、丰富园林景观 -3- o Current Document 2.4 一、二年生草花的应用形式 -3- o Current Document 2.5自然组合花卉的应用 -4- o Current Document 3草花造景应用的种类 -4- 传统品种 -4- o Current Document 3.2引进优质品种 -5- o Current Document 4主要的应用形式 -5- o Current Document 4.1按应用地点分类 -5- o Current Document 4.2按应用形式分类 -5- o Current Document 4.3草坪组花 -5-
网址: 浅议草花在城市绿化中的应用.docx https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview223078.html
上一篇: 【鲜花花语】5月14日,玫瑰情人 |
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