A new approach to portraying plants, with each volume in the Floramour series, focusing on a single genus of flowers. This one celebrates OrchidsA tribute to the uniqueness of each variety of flower, along with a wealth of knowledge and inspiration The exclusive design of the series makes these books true eye-catchers on the bookshelf and fascinating collectables on every coffee tableIdeal for anyone who enjoys giving flowers, but is looking for a less ephemeral gift to giveText in English and German For many flower lovers, the orchid is the epitome of luxury, grace and beauty. In the new book in the Floramour series Floramour: Orchids, author Anja Klaffenbach pays tribute to this queen of the flower world. She not only illuminates the filigree flower wonder with spectacular photographs and sketches, but also presents exciting background information, packed into and entertaining texts. Orchid breeding has a long tradition and by now more than 28,000 species and more than 100,000 hybrids and varieties are known. And perhaps the diversity of these ornamental plants can also be explained from a historical perspective. In this colourful coffee-table book, Klaffenbach explores this question and paints a portrait of the orchid through the ages. The aesthetics of the flower were already highly valued in ancient China. It served as a symbol of purity and luxury. In Japan, it was the distinguishing mark of the noble warrior caste of the samurai and was found on the clothing and weapons of the fighters. In Hinduism, the lovely orchid is a representative of wealth and prosperity and a coveted offering at numerous religious festivals. Europe has also become addicted to the tropical beauty. In Victorian England, there was a veritable run on the colourful flower. The flower was regarded as an unmistakable testimony to exquisite taste and classical elegance. The plants quickly advanced to become a high-class gift that ed the high esteem of the bearer in perfect form. Even today, the orchid enjoys a large fan community. For them, the coffee table book Floramour: Orchids is the perfect inspiring read to learn even more about their own favourite flower. Text in English and German.
《【预售】【翰德图书】兰花 【Floramour】Orchids 英文原版摄影》 【简介
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网址: 《【预售】【翰德图书】兰花 【Floramour】Orchids 英文原版摄影》 【简介 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview241510.html
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