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【水资源·水环境】 日本水资源开发利用与管理概况 张保祥 ( 山东省水利科学研究院,山东 济南 250013) 摘 要: 日本水资源的管理和实施由多个政府部门和组织共同完成,“治水与用水分离,多龙管水”是日本水资源管理体 制的最大特点。国土交通省负责制定水资源开发与管理政策、水供求计划、库区开发及与其他相关省厅局及机构间的综 合政策协调; 厚生劳动省负责居民生活用水供应管理; 农林水产省负责农业用水供应; 经济产业省负责工业供水和水力 发电; 环境省负责水质与环境保护。日本存在缺水、供水稳定性下降和饮用水安全等问题,其妥善应对水问题的策略包 括促进健全水循环、中水回用、现有水利设施的高效利用、复兴与培养水文化、虚拟水战略等。今后日本将更加关注伴随 气候变化、全球变暖而来的极端少雨、降雪减少及融雪提前等现象。 关 键 词: 水资源管理; 水资源利用; 日本 中图分类号: TV21 文献标识码: A doi: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1000-1379. 2012. 01. 020 Water Resources Management in Japan and Its Utilization Strategies ZHANG Bao-xiang ( Water Resources Research Institute of Shandong Province,Jinan 250013,China) Abstract: In Japan,measures concerning water resources management are implemented by a number of government ministries and organizations in cooperation based on the relevant legislative provisions. The most important feature of water resources management system in Japan is that water uti- lization is separated from water resources management departments. The Ministry of Land,Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism ( MLIT) takes charges for making water resources development and management policy,water supply and demand plan,development measures in reservoir area and acts as the overall coordinator with related ministries and agencies as well as bureaus and departments. The Health Ministry is responsible for domestic water supply. The Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry and Fisheries is responsible for agricultural water supply; The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is responsible for industrial water supply and hydroelectric power generation. The Ministry of Environment is responsible for wa- ter quality and environmental protection. The water problems in Japan are water shortage,unstable water supply and insecurity in drinking water supply. The countermeasures include the promotion of sound water cycle,greywater reuse,and effective use of existing water facilities,revival and fostering of water-related cultural,the virtual water strategy and so o


日本生物农药及其登记概况 农药科学与管理

网址: 日本水资源开发利用与管理概况.doc https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview256740.html

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