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[1] Effects of annexin B18 from Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato on mouse macrophages

[2] Echinococcus granulosus ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2D2 and E2N) promote the formation of liver fbrosis in TGFβ1-induced LX-2 cells

[3] 细粒棘球绦虫膜联蛋白B5、B15和B25的原核表达和分泌特性分析

[4] 加拿大棘球绦虫G7基因型研究进展


[1] Molecular characterization and immunological properties of Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto (G1) ADK1 and ADK8

[2] 细粒棘球绦虫泛素结合酶基因家族的生物信息学及表达分析

[3] Molecular characterization and functional implications on mouse peripheral blood mononuclear cells of annexin proteins from Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato

[4] Protective efficacy of six recombinant proteins as vaccine candidates against Echinococcus granulosus in dogs

[5] 纳米材料与技术在包虫病防治上的应用


[1] Genetic diversity of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato in China: epidemiological studies and systematic review

[2] 细粒棘球绦虫BAG3和EB1基因的克隆、表达及其在原头蚴细胞凋亡中的作用


[1] 四川省石渠县牦牛棘球蚴病血清流行病学初步调查

[2] The Molecular Basis of Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzymes (E2s) as a Potential Target for Cancer Therapy

[3] Molecular characterization and expression analysis of annexin B3 and B38 as secretory proteins in Echinococcus granulosus


[1] miRNAs and lncRNAs in Echinococcus and Echinococcosis

[2] Molecular and Functional Characterization of Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins (IAP, BIRP) in Echinococcus granulosus

[3] Preliminary Evaluation of Recombinant EPC1 and TPx for Serological Diagnosis of Animal Cystic Echinococcosis

[4] 细粒棘球绦虫磷酸甘油变位酶的表达、定位和诊断价值的初步评价 


[1] Molecular characterisation and expression analysis of two heat-shock proteins in Taenia multiceps

[2] Cloning, expression, characterization, and immunological properties of citrate synthase from Echinococcus granulosus

[3] Echinococcus canadensis G8 Tapeworm Infection in a Sheep, China, 2018

[4] Expression and serodiagnostic potential of antigen B and thioredoxin peroxidase from Taenia multiceps

[5] 基于线粒体ND6基因检测犬感染细粒棘球绦虫的粪便PCR方法


[1] 细粒棘球绦虫半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂基因的克隆、表达及诊断价值的初步评价

[2] Development of a direct PCR assay to detect Taenia multiceps eggs isolated from dog feces

[3] Expression, Tissue Localization and Serodiagnostic Potential of Echinococcus granulosus Leucine Aminopeptidase

[4] Molecular characterization of triosephosphate isomerase from Echinococcus granulosus

[5] Molecular Characterisation and Functions of Fis1 and PDCD6 Genes from Echinococcus granulosus

[6] Molecular Characterization of Annexin B2, B3 and B12 in Taenia multiceps

[7] 脑多蚴重组蛋白rTm16和rTm-GST的免疫保护效果分析


[1] Molecular identification and characterization of prohibition from Echinococcus granulosus

[2] 细粒棘球绦虫铜锌超氧化物歧化酶基因的表达与特征分析

[3] Characterization of a Secreyory Annexing in Echinococcus granulosus 

[4] Molecular characterization and serodiagnostic potential of a novel dithiol glutaredoxin 1 from Echinococcus granulosus

[5] GP50 as a promising early diagnostic antigen for Taenia multiceps infection in goats by indirect ELISA

[6] 多头带绦虫铜锌超氧化物岐化酶基因的原核表达及其表达产物的酶学活性分析

[7] 10%吡喹酮缓释注射液对山羊人工感染脑多蚴的早期治疗效果观察


[1]Expression, tissue localization and serodiagnostic potential of Taenia multiceps acidic ribosomal protein P2 

[2]An ELISA using recombinant TmHSP70 for the diagnosis of Taenia multiceps infections in goats 

[3] Molecular identification of Echinococcus granulosus on the Tibetan Plateau using mitochondrial DNA markers

[4] 四川省山羊多头蚴线粒体cox2基因序列测定及种系发育分析

[5] 基于COX1基因对中国青藏高原地区细粒棘球绦虫遗传多态性的研究

[6] 兔豆状囊尾蚴研究进展

[7] 豆状带绦虫四川株的生物学研究

[8] Molecular insights into a tetraspanin in the hydatid tapeworm Echinococcus granulizes 

[9] 动物棘球蚴病防控面临的问题和挑战


[1] Genetic Diversity of Echinococcus granulosus in Southwest China Determined by the Mitochondrial NADH Dehydrogenase Subunit 2 Gene

[2] Sequence Analysis of cytb Gene in Echinococcus granulosus from Western China

[3] 基于线粒体nad1h和nad4四川省多头带绦虫种群遗传多样性的分析

[4] 基于线粒体cox1和Cytb基因对四川省多头带绦虫的种群遗传多样性研究

[5] Expression of the Tpanxb1 Gene from Taenia pisiformis and Its Potential Diagnostic Value by Dot-ELISA

[6] Protection against Taenia pisiformis larval infection induced by a recombinant oncosphere antigen vaccine.

[7] Genetic characteristics of Chinese isolates of the tapeworm Taenia pisiformis based on two mitochondrial genes

[8] Evaluation of a novel Dot-ELISA assay utilizing a recombinant protein for the effective diagnosis of Taenia Pisiformis larval infections

[9] The complete mitochondrial genome of G3 genotype of Echinococcus granulosus (Cestoda: Taeniidae)

[10] 豆状带绦虫六钩蚴Tp-dUTPase基因的表达及血清学诊断效果

[11] 细粒棘球绦虫EG95疫苗的研究进展


[1] Analysis of codon usage patterns in Taenia pisiformis through annotated transcriptome data

[2] Cloning and characterization of the fatty acid-binding protein gene from the protoscolex of Taenia multiceps

[3] Expression and immunolocalisation of TpFABP as a candidate antigen for the serodiagnosis of rabbit Taenia pisiformis cysticercosis

[4] Genetic variation of Taenia pisiformis collected from Sichuan, China, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene

[5] Identification of neglected cestode Taenia multiceps microRNAs by illumina sequencing and bioinformatic analysis

[6] Genetic variability of Echinococcus granulosus based on the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene

[7] Genetic variability of Echinococcus granulosus from the Tibetan plateau inferred by mitochondrial DNA sequences

[8] 基于线粒体12S基因对青藏高原细粒棘球蚴种群遗传结构的研究

[9] 青藏高原细粒棘球绦虫的分子鉴定与遗传变异分析

[10] 豆状带绦虫Tp18基因的原核表达及其产物的抗原性分析

[11] 基于线粒体COX2 和ND4基因对四川省豆状带绦虫种群遗传多样性的分析


[1] Detailed Transcriptome Description of the Neglected Cestode Taenia multiceps

[2] Annotation of the Transcriptome from Taenia pisiformis and Its Comparative Analysis with Three Taeniidae Species

[3] 基于线粒体细胞色素b基因的细颈囊尾蚴种群遗传多样性研究

[4] 基于线粒体12S基因对青海地区细粒棘球蚴种群遗传多态性研究

[5] 细颈囊尾蚴四川和云南分离株线粒体nad1和cox1基因的序列测定和种系发育分析


[1] 多头带绦虫多头蚴Tm7抗原基因的表达与间接ELISA方法的建立

[2] 多头带绦虫Tm45w基因的克隆表达与免疫原性分析

[3] 多头带绦虫Tm18抗原基因的克隆、表达与免疫原性分析

[4] 基于线粒体基因cox2的33株细颈囊尾蚴分离株种系发育关系分析

[5] 棘球蚴病与棘球绦虫病诊断与检疫方法研究进展


[1] 动物脑多蚴病研究进展

[2] 细粒棘球绦虫基因型与抗原研究进展

[3] 细粒棘球蚴病诊断抗原研究进展

[4] 多头带绦虫四川株的生物学特性

[5] 多头带绦虫Tm16基因的克隆表达与免疫原性分析


[1] 家养林麝四川莫尼茨绦虫病的流行病学研究


[1] 吡喹酮驱除家养林麝感染的四川莫尼茨绦虫

[2] 家养林麝四川莫尼茨绦虫病的病原形态观察


单选题植物细菌病害的诊断可靠而简便的方法是检查组织的()。A 孢子B 细菌缢C 病斑D 变色
生态护坡是综合生态学.工程学和系统学等的知识.利用植被对斜坡进行保护的综合技术.下图为某种海岸生态护坡及部分食物示意图.请回答下列有关问题:(1)研究人员在建造海岸生态护坡前.采用样方法法调查此地的植物丰富度和种群密度.运用此方法要注意随机取样.(2)上图坡地生态系统中.人们在中低潮带引种一些耐盐的植物如互花米草.白� 题目和参考答案——青夏教育精英家教网——

网址: 草食动物绦虫病 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview261432.html

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