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1. 农药制剂及加工技术以节药、安全为目的研究载药缓控释微/纳米囊制备机理和工业化生产技术;以环境友好为目的研究悬浮剂、水乳剂配方及工业化生产技术;以环境安全、增效为目的研究绿色溶剂、表面活性剂应用技术
2. 农药对靶高效施用技术 研究理化性质、剂型、助剂以及施药方法等影响施药过程中农药对靶标生物接触、沉积和转移规律的影响,寻找提高农药利用率、降低农药环境风险的调控措施
3. 农药毒理与抗药性风险评估 研究新农药作用机理,研究蔬菜、经济作物、粮食作物重要病、虫的抗药性机理及其治理措施
4. 微生物源农药研究与开发 从连作设施菜田土壤中分离拮抗土传病害的生防菌,进行农药活性成分的分离纯化、鉴定和利用
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目
2)配位组装型农药微胶囊的对靶递释规律及选择毒性调控机制(**,2018- 2021)
1. 奖励与荣誉
2. 著作
3. 专利
环保型农药乳油 ZL6.5(2020-02-18授权)
一种复配熏蒸剂 ZL5.4(2017-12-19授权)
一种具有协同增效作用的三元杀菌和杀线组合物 ZL 7.7(2017-12-08授权)
一种防治马铃薯黑痣病的杀菌组合物 ZL 20**(2017-07-25授权)一种防治线虫的农药组合物ZL 20**(2017-07-28授权)
一种虫螨腈和新烟碱类杀虫剂的杀虫组合物及其制剂与应用ZL 20**(2017- 04-07授权)
一种含吡丙醚和氟铃脲的农药组合物 ZL7.7(2016-06-22授权)
一种多孔型双层囊壁微胶囊 ZL7.5(2018-04-10授权)
一种多位点滴灌管道 ZL5.7(2017-07-28授权)
一种新型微胶囊 ZL4.X(2016-06-22授权)
4. 以通讯作者发表的学术论文
Pyraclostrobin loaded lignin-modified nanocapsules: Delivery efficiency enhancement in soil improved control efficacy on tomato Fusariumcrown and root rot. Chemical Engineering Journal.2020, 3:124854
Mechanism of the temperature-responsive material regulating porous morphology on epoxy phenolic novolac resin microcapsule surface. Colloids and Surfaces A. 2020 (593): 124581
Fungicide formulations influence their control efficacy by mediating physicochemical properties of spray dilutions and their interaction with target leaves. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68: 1198?1206
Tunable thermal, mechanical, and controlledrelease properties of epoxy phenolic novolac resin microcapsules mediated by diamine crosslinkers. RSC Advances, 2019,9: 9820 - 9827
Analysis of particle size regulating the insecticidal e?cacy of phoxim polyurethane microcapsules on leaves. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng,2018, 6(12): 17194-17203
Easily Tunable Membrane thickness of microcapsules by using a coordination assembly on the liquid-liquid interface. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018(6): 387
Assessment of ethylene glycol diacetate as an alternative carrier for use in agrochemical emulsifiable concentrate formulation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 163:349-355
Causation analysis and improvement strategy for reduced pendimethalin herbicidal activity in the field after encapsulation in polyurea. ACSOmega, 2018,3: 706-716
Porous microcapsules with tunable pore sizes provide easily controllable release and bioactivity. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2018,517: 86-92
Two-stage controlled release system possesses excellent initial and long-term efficacy. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2018, 169: 404-410
Porous epoxy phenolic novolac resin polymer microcapsules: tunable release and bioactivity controlled by epoxy value. Colloids & Surfaces B Biointerfaces, 2018,165:165-171.
Using coordination Assembly as the microencapsulation strategy to promote the efficacy and environmental safety of pyraclostrobin. Advanced Functional Materials, 2017,27(29) , DOI: 10.1002/adfm. **
Integrating uniform design and response surface methodology to optimize thiacloprid suspension. Scientific Reports,2017, DOI: 10.1038/srep46018
A versatile method for evaluating the controlled-release performance of microcapsules. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2017, 529: 80-87
Phoxim microcapsules prepared with polyurea and urea-formaldehyde resins differ in photostability and insecticidal activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016, 64: 2841-2846
Thiacloprid suspension formula optimization based on a response surface methodology. RSC Advances, 2015, 5:26654- 26661
Formula and process optimization of controlled-release microcapsules prepared using a coordination assembly and the response surface methodology. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016, 133(1), DOI: 10.1002/APP.42865
利用酚醛环氧树脂-丙二胺聚合物制备高效氯氟氰菊酯微囊.农药学学报, 2017,19(5): 638- 647
均匀设计和响应面法联用优化30%噻虫胺悬浮剂配方.农药学学报, 2016,18(2): 249-257
不同松香改性树脂对农药可分散油悬浮剂物理稳定性的影响. 应用化学, 2015, 32(6): 695-700
正交设计和均匀设计在优化噻虫胺悬浮剂物理稳定性上的应用.中国农业科学, 2015,48(2):280- 292
微胶囊化技术及其在农药领域的应用.农药学学报, 2014,16(5): 483-496
Phenyl isocyanate-modified avermectin B1a improves the efficacy against plant-parasitic nematode diseases by facilitating its soil mobility. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.2020, 8(5):2310-2319
Effect of application rate and timing on residual efficacy of pyraclostrobin in the control of pepper anthracnose. Plant disease, 2020,104(3):958-966
Effect of pyrisoxazole onColletotrichum scovilleiinfection and anthracnose on Chili. Plant disease, 2020, 104(2): 551-559
Bioactivity, physiological characteristics and efficacy of the SDHI fungicide pydiflumetofen againstSclerotinia sclerotiorum. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2019,160:70- 78
A bioactivity and biochemical analysis of iminoctadine tris (albesilate) as a fungicide against Corynespora cassiicola.Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology.2019, 158:121-127
Oil Adjuvants Enhance the Efficacy of pyraclostrobin in managing cucumber powdery mildew (Podosphaera xanthii) by modifying the affinity of fungicide droplets on diseased leaves. Plant Disease, 2019, 103:1657-1664
Favorable Bioactivity of the SDHI Fungicide Benzovindiflupyr Against?Sclerotinia sclerotiorum?Mycelial Growth, Sclerotial Production, and Myceliogenic and Carpogenic Germination of Sclerotia. Plant Disease, 2019,103:1613-1620
Baseline sensitivity of isopyrazam against Sclerotinia sclerotiorumand its efficacy for the control of Sclerotinia stem rot in vegetables. Crop Protection, 2019,122:42-48
High-efficiency control of gray mold by the novel SDHI fungicide benzovindiflupyr combined with a rasonable application approach of dipping flower. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66: 6692-6698
Modifying the formulation of abamectin to promote its e?cacy on Southern Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) under blending-of-soil and root-irrigation conditions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018, 66: 799-805
A precisely targeted application strategy of dipping young cucumber fruit in fungicide to control cucumber gray mold. Pest Management Science, 2018,102: 666
Activity, translocation, and persistence of isopyrazam for controlling cucumber powdery mildew. Plant Disease,2017, 101, (7):1139-1144
Efficacy of insecticidal seed treatments against the wireworm Pleonomus canaliculatus(Coleoptera: Elateridae) in China.Crop Protection, 2017, 92: 134-142
Effects of imidacloprid and clothianidin seed treatments on wheat aphids and their natural enemies on winter wheat. Pest Management Science. 2016, 72: 1141-1149
Dissipation dynamics of clothianidin and its control e?cacy against Bradysia odoriphagaYang and Zhang in Chinese chive ecosystems. Pest Management Science. 2016,72: 1396-1404.
Efficacy of granular applications of clothianidin and nitenpyram againstAphis gossypii(Glover) andApolygus lucorum(Meyer-Dür) in cotton fields in China. Crop Protection, 2015, 78: 27–34
Comparison of Bradysia odoriphagaYang and Zhang reared on artificial diet and different host plants based on an age-stage, two-sex life table. Phytoparasitica. 2015,43(1):107- 120
吡唑醚菌酯及三唑类杀菌剂对番茄颈腐根腐病的防治效果. 中国农业科学, 2018, 51 (21): 4065-4075.
六种三唑类杀菌剂对番茄叶霉病菌的毒力及其安全性和田间防效评价.植物保护学报, 2017, 44(4): 671-678
山东省辣椒炭疽病病原菌的鉴定及高效防治药剂的筛选.中国农业科学, 2017, 50(8): 1452-1464.
四种SBIs类杀菌剂对不同发育阶段小麦赤霉病菌的毒力及其作用方式. 农药学学报,2015,17(4):425-431
苯醚甲环唑和氟啶胺的两种制剂包衣种子对花生土传真菌病害的防治效果.中国农业科学, 2015, 48(11): 2176-2186
吡唑醚菌酯在水环境中的光解及微囊化对其光稳定性的影响.农业环境科学学报, 2015, 34(8):1493-1497
噻虫嗪在土壤中的吸附和淋溶特性. 环境化学, 2015,34(4):705-711
燕麦孢囊线虫对山东地区小麦产量的影响.植物保护学报, 2014, 41(2): 242-247
不同加工剂型阿维菌素对南方根结线虫的防治效果.植物保护学报,2013,40(6): 575-576
Phenyl isocyanate-modified avermectin B1a improves the efficacy against plant-parasitic nematode diseases by facilitating its soil mobility. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.2020
Development of a LAMP method for detecting the N75S mutant in SDHI- resistantCorynespora cassiicola. Analytical Biochemistry, 2020,597:113687
Baseline sensitivity ofCorynespora cassiicolato metconazole and efficacy of this fungicide. Crop Protection, 2020,130: 105056
Residue determination of pyraclostrobin, picoxystrobin and its metabolite in pepper fruit via UPLC-MS/ MS under open ?eld conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019,182: 109445
Characterization and fungicide sensitivity of Colletotrichumspp. From different hosts in Shandong, China. Plant Disease, 2019, 103(1): 34-43.?
Assessment of the baseline sensitivity and resistance risk ofColletotrichum acutatumto fludioxonil. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2018,150(3): 639-651
Baseline sensitivity of Phytophthora capsicito the strobilurin fungicide benzothiostrobin and the efficacy of this fungicide. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2018,152,(3): 723–733
Detection and Characterization of QoI-resistantPhytophthora capsicicausing pepper phytophthora blight in China. Plant disease, 2018,102(9):1725-1732
First Report ofColletotrichum lindemuthianumcausing anthracnose on pepper in China. Plant disease, 2018,102(5):1030
Sensitivity of Colletotrichum acutatumto six fungicides and reduction in incidence and severity of chili anthracnose using pyraclostrobin. Australasian Plant Pathology, 2017,46(6): 521-528
The potential of fludioxonil for anthracnose control on China chili fruit. Phytoparasitica, 2017,45(3): 281-292
Lethal and sublethal effects of the chitin synthesis inhibitor chlorfluazuron onBradysia odoriphagaYang and Zhang (Diptera:Sciaridae). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology,2017, 136: 80-88
Baseline Sensitivity of Botrytis cinereato the succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor isopyrazam and efficacy of this fungicide. Plant Disease, 2016, 100(7):1314-1320
Baseline sensitivity and efficacy of the sterol biosynthesis inhibitor triflumizole againstBotrytis cinerea. Australasian Plant Pathology. 2016,45(1):65-72
Field resistance monitoring of Apolygus lucorum(Hemiptera: Miridae) in Shandong, China to seven commonly used insecticides.Crop Protection, 2015,76:127-133
Life table study of the effects of sublethal concentrations of thiamethoxam on Bradysia odoriphagaYang and Zhang. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2014,111(1): 31-37
季铵盐和有机硅助剂对啶虫脒杀虫活性及水生生物毒性的影响. 农药学学报, 2017,19 (1): 93-99
Evaluation of bioactivity and control efficacy of tetramycin against Corynespora cassiicola. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2018,152: 106-113
Toxicity and biochemical action of the antibiotic fungicide tetramycin onColletotrichum scovillei. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2018,147: 51-58
Effects of trans-2-hexenal on reproduction, growth and behaviour and efficacy against the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Pest Management Science. 2017,73 (5): 888-895
Nematicidal activity of trans-2-hexenal against southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on tomato plants. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2017,65 (3): 544-550
Baseline sensitivity and control efficacy of antibiotic fungicide tetramycin against Botrytis Cinerea. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2016,146(2): 337-347
Biological activity of trans-2-hexenal against Bradysia odoriphaga(Diptera: Sciaridae) at different developmental stages.Journal of Insect Science, 2015,15 (1): 129-143
微生物源挥发性化合物苯并噻唑对灰霉病菌的抑制效应. 中国农业科学, 2017, 50(19): 3714-3722
四霉素对番茄叶霉病菌的毒力效应及田间防治效果.农药学学报, 2017,19(3): 324-330
苯并噻唑对不同虫态韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的生物活性.昆虫学报, 2014, 57(1): 45-51


西北农林科技大学植物保护学院导师介绍:花 蕾

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