首页 > 分享 > 基于Maxent生态位模型的互花米草在我国沿海的潜在分布


摘要: 以分布在我国沿海滩涂的96个互花米草分布记录点及覆盖东部沿海区域的海洋环境数据和气候环境数据为材料,利用Maxent生态位模型,研究外来物种互花米草在我国沿海的潜在分布情况.结果表明:互花米草适宜分布区占我国沿海区域的85%,其中高度适宜分布区占18%,中度适宜分布区占34%,低度适宜分布区占33%,不适宜分布区仅为15%.互花米草在我国沿海的地理分布主要受到年均最低海水温度、年均海水温度、年平均气温和1月最低气温4个环境因素的影响,而年均降水量、年均日较差、海水盐度、最高海水温度、7月最高气温及海流速度对互花米草地理分布的影响较小.互花米草高度适宜分布区的最低海水温度为0.62~24.81 ℃,平均海水温度为10.46~27.29 ℃,年均气温为9~25 ℃,1月最低气温为-13.5~16.7 ℃.互花米草地理分布概率在我国北部沿海区域达到20%以上,互花米草存在向我国北部进一步入侵的趋势,特别是在渤海湾地区,互花米草入侵潜力较大.互花米草在我国不适宜分布区主要集中在海南中部和南部海岸,以及台湾省大部分区域,依据当前我国分布记录及气候数据,这些区域互花米草入侵风险较小,但不排除未来入侵的可能性.

Abstract: Maxent niche model was used to project the potential distribution of alien plant species Spartina alterniflora in China, with 96 S. alterniflora records and marine and climatic data along China coastal area. The results showed that suitable area for the distribution of S. alterniflora occupied 85% of coastal areas, with the highly suitable area, the medium, and low suitable area accounting for 18%, 34% and 33%, respectively. Only 15% of the coastal areas were regions with distribution possibility of less than 5%. Its distribution suitability was mainly related to annual lowest seawater temperature, annual mean seawater temperature, annual mean air temperature, and annual lowest temperature in January. However, the importance of annual mean precipitation, annual mean daily diurnal range, seawater salinity, annual highest seawater temperature, annual highest tempe-rature in June and current velocity was relatively small. At the highly suitable areas for S. alterni-flora, the annual lowest seawater temperature ranged from 0.62 to 24.81 ℃, the annual mean seawater temperature ranged from 10.46 to 27.29 ℃, the annual mean air temperature was between 9 to 25 ℃, and the annual lowest temperature in January was between -13.5 and 16.7 ℃. The distribution possibility of S. alterniflora in the northern coastal area was over 20%, indicating it has a great potential to invade further north in China, especially in Bohai Bay areas. According to the current distribution records and climatic data in China, the invasion risk of S. alterniflora in central and southern coasts of Hainan and most regions of Taiwan Province was low, but the possibility of future invasion can not be excluded.



网址: 基于Maxent生态位模型的互花米草在我国沿海的潜在分布 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview27180.html

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