首页 > 分享 > 少花龙葵花药发育中多糖和脂滴的组织化学研究Histochemical Observation of Polysaccharides and Lipids on the Developing Anthers of Solanum photeinocarpum

少花龙葵花药发育中多糖和脂滴的组织化学研究Histochemical Observation of Polysaccharides and Lipids on the Developing Anthers of Solanum photeinocarpum

OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721

DOI: 10.12677/BR.2014.31006, PP. 27-31

Keywords: 少花龙葵;花药发育;多糖;脂滴Solanum photeinocarpum, Anther Development, Polysaccharides, Lipid


The distribution of polysaccharides and lipid drops in developing anther of Solanum photeinocarpum was studied. At the sporogenous cell stage, neither starches nor lipids were in anther wall cells. At the stage of microspore mother cells, some starches appeared in epidemic cells and endothecium cells and many lipids appeared in tapetal cells. At the tetrad stage, some polysaccharides appeared in middle layer cells. After microspores were released from tetrads, both starches and lipids appeared in epidemic cells, but both materials decreased at the late microspore stage. After the microspore division, early bicellular pollen began to accumulate polysaccharides, and the starches and lipids disappeared in anther wall cells. With the pollen development, many starches and some lipids were accumulated in the vegetative cell of the nearly mature pollen.

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少花龙葵花药发育中多糖和脂滴的组织化学研究Histochemical Observation of Polysaccharides and Lipids on the Developing Anthers of Solanum photeinocarpum

网址: 少花龙葵花药发育中多糖和脂滴的组织化学研究Histochemical Observation of Polysaccharides and Lipids on the Developing Anthers of Solanum photeinocarpum https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview28301.html

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