中心是国内 “芳香保健师”新职业的倡导者,将承担“上海市社会与劳动保障局新职业开发立项与职业培训”的发起人以及组织者的角色。目前中心已经为企业培训芳香疗法师30多人。
A brief introduction to Aroma Plant Research Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Established in 2005, formerly founded in 1998 as Fragrance Plant Laboratory of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Agricultural Biology Institute, the center’s major area of study includes the following.
1. The research of aromatic plant varieties collection, finishing and breeding. So far 167 species have been studies, and varieties of aromatic plant cultivation bases have been established in Xinjiang, Guizhou, Shandong, Shanghai Chongming, Gansu, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Fujian and Jiangsu.
2. The study on the extraction and analysis of effective components of aromatic plants. Carried out component testing, analysis, and established the mass spectrometry library for 79 kinds of aromatic plants.
3. The analysis of aromatic plants effective component efficacy and safety test. Carried out the antioxidants and antibacterial tests of different aromatic plants, studied the effects of different aroma on refreshing, sedation, sleep and blood pressure, and developed a series of aromatic essential oil products with the industry. The main direction of basic research: anti-bacterial, anti-oxidation, hypolipidemic, anti-allergy, essential oils on human brain waves and other aspects.The main direction of applied research: Antihypertensive, anti-anxiety, sleep, yoga meditation, relieve rheumatoid arthritis pain, relieve headache and migraine headache, relieve pain in the cervical spine and spine, relieve acne symptoms and calm pox marks, relieve menopausal syndrome, blood circulation Stool, scar repair and beauty areas (such as whitening, moisturizing, bleak, weight loss, desalination stretch marks) functional study.
4. The research of healing garden plant allocation technology. Built healing garden practice bases in Jiangsu Wujiang, Shanghai and other places.The research in Aromatherapy / therapy: The use of "aroma", "massage" and "bath" and other different methods, through the human body's sense of smell, taste, touch, vision, hearing five sensory function, so that essential oils through the skin And the respiratory system to absorb, participate in the human body circulation, adjust the body endocrine, stimulate the body's own healing, calm and regenerative ability, so that physical and mental recovery coordination, eliminate depression, anxiety, boredom, anger and other emotions and fatigue, so that people in the physical and psychological on the adjustment, to achieve a body, heart, spirit are all feel comfortable.
The center signed scientific research cooperation agreement with Shandong Pingyin Rose Planting Base, Gansu KuShui Rose Planting Base, Guizhou ShanChuangZi Cultivation Base, Shanghai ChongMing Aromatic Plant Cultivation Base, Xinjiang Lavender Planting Base, Zhejiang Huzhou Rose Planting Base, Jiangsu Wujiang Aromatic Plant Base, Anhui Mint Planting Base, ShanXi WeiNan Damascus Rose Planting Base, Yunnan Shilin Geranium Base, Hubei Daye Aromatic Planting Base. In 2009, the center was elected as one of the "Shanghai Science Education Base". In 2010, the center was awarded the "Top-notch Talent Training Base", which has been inspected and guided by the leaders of China and Shanghai. The center built essential oils of interdisciplinary research platform with Shanghai Mental Health Center Psychiatry, Shanghai Xinhua Hospital Rehabilitation Branch, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012. The center established a long-term exchange and cooperation relation with International Horticultural Society of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Branch, Waseda University, Osaka Prefectural University, Australia Aromatherapy Medical Association and other institutions.
云赏花、公开课 植物专家带你探秘芳香植物之旅
网址: 芳香植物研发中心 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview291139.html
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