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为了评价痕量灌溉条件下水肥耦合处理对温室草莓产量、品质和水肥利用效率的影响,确定最优灌水施肥量.文中采用基于熵权-模糊层次分析法的综合评价指数为应变量、水肥用量为自变量建立预测模型,分析水肥对草莓的影响并计算痕灌条件下温室草莓最优灌水量和施肥量.结果表明:当灌水下限为60.41%、灌水上限为90%、施肥量为N:721.96 kg/hm2,P2O5:360.98 kg/hm2,K2O:721.96 kg/hm2时综合评价指数最大,此时产量为27 008.69 kg/hm2,灌水利用效率为84.48 kg/m3,化肥利用效率15.60 kg/kg.经优化后的痕量灌溉水肥管理模式增产27.26%,灌水利用效率提高22.27%,化肥利用效率提高26.35%.文中构建的预测模型具有较高的可靠性,提出最优水肥管理模式对于温室草莓生产具有指导意义.


A regression model of comprehensive indices evaluating yield, quality and water and fertilizer utilization efficiency of winter strawberry under trace quantity irrigation condition was established in terms of water and fertilizer doses by using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process(FAHP)based on entropy weight method. The water and fertilizer coupling effect on the yield, quality and water and fertilizer utilization efficiency was evaluated, and the optimal doses of water and fertilizer were determined. The results showed that the maximum comprehensive evaluating index was achieved with the following fertilizer doses: 721.96 kg/hm2(N), 360.98 kg/hm2(P2O5)and 721.96 kg/hm2(K2O)with 60.41% lower and 90% upper irrigation water limits. The corresponding yield, utilization efficiency of irrigation water and fertilizer utilization efficiency were 27 008.69 kg/hm2, 84.48 kg/m3 and 15.60 kg/kg, respectively. Compared with conventional drip irrigation mode, the optimized trace water and fertilizer amounts irrigation water and fertilizer management mode can increase the yield by 27.26%, the irrigation water utilization efficiency by 22.27% and the fertilizer utilization efficiency by 26.35%. The prediction model produced in this paper has a high reliability, and the optimized water and fertilizer doses predicted by the model can provide guidance on greenhouse strawberry production in a certain degree.


熵权 /模糊层次分析法 /痕量灌溉 /草莓 /水肥耦合 /回归拟合预测模型{{custom_keyword}} /

Key words

entropy weight /FAHP /trace irrigation /strawberry /water and fertilizer coupling /regression fitting prediction model{{custom_keyword}} /

邢立文, 崔宁博*, 董娟, 等.

0" m-for-array="{{authorList_cn}}" m-for-val="custom_author" m-for-index="custom_index">0">, {{custom_author.name_cn}}等.

基于熵权-模糊层次分析法的痕灌草莓水肥效应评价[J]. 排灌机械工程学报, 2019, 37(9): 815-821 https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-8530.19.0001

XING Li-Wen-, CUI Ning-Bo-*, DONG Juan-, et al.

0" m-for-array="{{authorList_en}}" m-for-val="custom_author" m-for-index="custom_index">0">, {{custom_author.name_en}}et al.

Application of entropy weight based fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in water and fertilizer coupling effect evaluation of winter strawberry under trace quantity irrigation[J]. Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering, 2019, 37(9): 815-821 https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-8530.19.0001


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