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繁殖策略,reproductive strategies英语短句,例句大全


繁殖策略,reproductive strategies
1)reproductive strategies繁殖策略
1.The reproductive strategies of S.应用生态学方法对鸭绿江花羔红点鲑Salvelinusmalma (Wabaum)、细鳞鱼Brachymystaxlenok (Pal las)和长白哲罗鱼HchoishiawaiMori的繁殖策略进行了研究。
2.This paper studied on reproductive strategies of Kobresia pygmaea in alpine meadow from sexual reproduction,vegetative reproduction and reproductive efforts respectively.结果表明 :小嵩草属寒冷中生密丛短根茎地下芽植物 ,在高寒生境中采用以营养繁殖为主、有性繁殖为辅的繁殖策略 ,具体体现在以下几个方面 :虽然小嵩草种子产量达45 5 3 。


1.The Primary Research on Reproductive Tactics and Behaviour of Male Golden Takin (Budorcas Taxicolor Bedfordi);雄性秦岭羚牛繁殖策略和行为的初步研究
2.Reproductive Performance in Two Populations of Polygonum viviparum (Polygonaceae) under Different Habitats不同生境下珠芽蓼(蓼科)的繁殖策略比较
3.Reproductive strategy and impact on the fig–pollinator mutualism of one non-pollinating fig wasp species一种非传粉榕小蜂的繁殖策略及其对榕—蜂互利共生系统的影响
4.Propagation and Survival Strategy of Artificial Caragana Korshinskill Population in the Gullied Loess Plateaus黄土高原丘陵沟壑区柠条人工种群繁殖与生存策略研究
5.It is well established that how sows are fed in one phase of the reproductive cycle will affect productivity during subsequent phases.众所周知,母猪在繁殖周期的某一阶段的饲喂策略将影响下一个阶段的生产性能。
6.Diurnal Activity Budgets and Energy Balance Strategy of Mongolian Gazelle (Procapra gutturosa) Before,During and After the Rut Around Dalai Lake,Inner Mongolia内蒙古达赉湖地区蒙原羚繁殖期及其前后昼间行为时间分配及能量平衡策略
7.Explorations and Reflections on Specialty Development and Personnel Training Pattern in Higher Vocational College Based on Biological Species Propagation and Competition Strategy高职院校专业发展和人才培养模式探索与思考——基于生物繁殖竞争策略
8.Reproduction Strategy and Transplant Experiment of Kobresia Humilis;高寒草甸矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)繁殖对策与移栽试验
9.Excessive propagation of Eichhornia crassipes in Bailianhe Reservoir and its preventive countermeasure;白莲河水库凤眼莲过度繁殖及其防治对策
10.Reproductive Strategy of Viola Tuberifera Endemic to Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau青藏高原特有植物块茎堇菜的繁殖对策
11.Reproductive Allocation Strategies of Gentiana in the Eastern of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau青藏高原东缘龙胆属植物繁殖分配对策研究
12.Reproductive Habitat Selection of Chinese Merganser(Mergus squamatus)and its Protection Strategy中华秋沙鸭繁殖地生境选择及保护对策
13.The "Capital Appealing" Wave from Shandong and Emperor Jiaqing’s Rectification in Early 19th Century;山东京控“繁兴”与嘉庆帝的应对策略
14.multiplication of plant or animal动植物的生殖或繁殖
15.Producing of young by animals(动物的)生育,繁殖,生殖
16.a place where oysters are bred and grow.养殖和繁殖牡蛎的地方。
17.(of reproduction) characterized by asexual processes.(指繁殖)无性生殖过程。
18.a plant that reproduces or is reproduced by apomixis.单性生殖繁殖或由单性生殖所繁殖的植物。


reproductive strategy繁殖策略
1.The key for raising reproductive capacity of the female who chooses the investment reproductive strategy,is obtaining more nuptial gifts for increasing investment of fostering progeny and enhancing progeny survival rate.选择投资型繁殖策略的雌性动物提高繁殖能力的关键是获得尽可能多的彩礼,增加对后代的投资,提高抚育子代的成活率。
3)Reproductive tactics繁殖策略
1.Filed observation on reproductive tactics and breeding behavior of male golden takin (Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi) was conducted from June to October 2002 in Foping National Nature Reserve, where is located on the south slope of the middle ranges of Qinling Mountain, geographically situated between 32o32′-33o43′ N.10 月,在秦岭腹地的陕西省佛坪自然保护区进行,在研究方法上采用无线电遥测、跟踪追寻技术结合野外随机观察记录法对羚牛秦岭亚种(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi)的雄性个体,包括群体中的成年公牛和单独活动的成年公牛的繁殖行为及繁殖策略和成年雌牛的繁殖情况进行了研究。
4)reproductive investment strategy繁殖投资策略
5)reproductive strategies繁殖对策
1.Study on reproductive strategies of the dominant plants in the upland meadow under fencing in Malong Region of Yunnan Province;封育条件下云南马龙县山地草甸主要植物繁殖对策研究
6)reproductive strategy繁殖对策


《水产资源繁殖保护条例》  中华人民共和国国务院 1979年2月10日颁布的有关保护水产资源的行政法规。条例分8章20条,主要内容有:    ① 关于保护范围和对象。规定凡具有经济价值的水生动物和植物的亲体、幼体、卵子、孢子等及其赖以繁殖成长的水域环境都要加以保护,并列出重要或名贵的水生生物作为重点保护对象。    ② 关于采捕原则。规定水生动物的可捕标准应当以达到性成熟为原则,经济藻类和淡水食用水生植物,应在长成后采收。    ③ 关于禁渔区和禁渔期。要求对于某些重要鱼虾贝类产卵场、越冬场和幼体索饵场,应合理规定禁渔区、禁渔期,完全禁止捕捞作业或加以限制。    ④ 关于渔具和渔法。要求对各种主要渔具,按不同捕捞对象,分别规定最小网眼(箔眼)尺寸;严禁炸鱼、毒鱼、滥用电力捕鱼以及进行敲作业等严重损害水产资源的行为。    ⑤ 关于水域环境的维护。规定禁止向渔业水域排放有害水产资源的污染物和废弃物;修建水利工程要注意不损害水产资源。  



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网址: 繁殖策略,reproductive strategies英语短句,例句大全 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview353332.html

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