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摘要: 已知鸢尾属(Iris)植物约有280种且花部特征多变,具有较高的科研和观赏价值。尽管该属植物具备一定的克隆和自交繁殖能力,但传粉者介导的异交仍在其物种和遗传多样性的维持中发挥重要作用,然而目前仍缺乏对该属植物传粉者吸引及异交策略的系统性总结。本文首先简述了鸢尾属植物的传粉者种类及其适应动物传粉的花部构造,以明确其动物传粉概况。在此基础上,详细论述了该属植物如何通过视觉和嗅觉信号呈现花粉、花蜜和热量报酬供给等策略,实现对传粉者的有效吸引。在传粉者访问前后,鸢尾属植物还可通过合理的花展示、单花内雌雄功能的时空隔离以及传粉后的调控以实现最大程度的异交。此外,影响其传粉者吸引及异交的第三方生物和非生物因素,如食花者和资源配置,也应受到重视。今后随着相关研究的深入和技术手段的革新,研究者应针对鸢尾属植物传粉的热点或有争议的问题,采用花信号定量测定及异交率分子检测等先进技术,通过大范围的对比研究,深入揭示鸢尾属植物与传粉者的互作模式及其繁殖策略。

关键词: 鸢尾属  /  动物传粉  /  花信号  /  花报酬  /  异交  

Abstract: Iris comprises approximately 280 species with variable floral traits, which makes it an ideal genus for scientific and horticultural research. Although some irises are capable of selfing and clonal reproduction, pollinator-mediated outcrossing still plays an important role in species maintenance and genetic diversity. However, pollinator attraction and outcrossing strategies in Iris have yet to be systematically summarized. In this paper, we describe the pollinator diversity and floral architecture adaptations for animal pollination in irises. On this basis, we introduce how visual and olfactory signals and floral rewards (eg., pollen, nectar, and heat) are presented in Iris to attract pollinators. Before and after pollinator visitation, Iris plants can promote outcrossing by regulating their floral display, spatiotemporal isolation of male and female functions, and post-pollination processes. Furthermore, third-party factors like florivores and resource allocations need to be considered in studies on pollinator attraction and outcrossing in Iris. Future research should focus on hot or controversial issues with the use of advanced techniques like quantitative measurement of floral signals and molecular detection of outcrossing rates, and on large-scale comparison of the modes of plant-pollinator interactions and outcrossing strategies in Iris species.


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