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青海农林科技 ·试验研究· 2016 年第2 期 园林废弃物堆肥基质对白菜生长发育的影响 方伟成1 ,回云丽l ,余金昌2 ,肖红飞l (1.东莞理工学院城市学院,广东 东莞 523419 ;2. 东莞市植物园,广东 东莞 523000) 摘 要:为了探讨园林废弃物堆R巴基质在蔬菜生长方面的应用,研究了不同自己比的堆肥基质对四季甜脆 小白菜和华武青白菜生长发育的影响。研究表明,园林废弃物堆月巴基质对不同品种的白菜生长发育都有明 显的促进作用。在发芽时间、株高、叶绿素、根长和生物量方面,四季甜脆小白菜比 CK 最高提前4d、增高了 81. 49% 、增多了 21. 10% 、增长了 40 %和增重了 90.76% .而华足青白菜最高提前4d、增高了 80.259毛、增多 了 17.699毛、增长了 9 1. 289毛和增重了 76.70% .而且堆肥基质对四季甜脆小白菜的促进作用比华足青白菜要 明显。 关键词:园林废弃物;堆月巴基质;白菜;生长发育;促进作用 中固分类号:5141. 4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1 佣4 -9967 (2016 )02 -∞11 -04 Effect of Garden Waste Compost 00 the Growth of Chioese Cabbage FANG Wei-cheng ,TIAN Yun-li ,YU Jin-chang ,XIAO Hong-fei ( 1. City College of Dongguan University of Technology ,Dongguan Guangdong 523419 ,China; 2. Dongguan Botanical Garden ,Dongguan Guangdong 523000 ,China) Abstract: To discuss the application of waste compost substrate in vegetable growth ,studied the effect on the growth and development of Siji cabbage and Huasheng cabbage by the different compost. Research shows that the compost substrate has obvious promoting effect on the growth and development of different varieties of Chinese cabbage . In the germination time ,plant height ,chlorophyll content ,root length and weight ,compared with CK, S斗i Cabbage was more early 4 days , more increased 81. 4913毛, mo陀 increased 2 1. 10% , more in- creased 40% and more weight 90. 769毛, and Huasheng Cabbage more early 4 days ,more increased 80. 2513毛, more increased 17. 699毛, more growth 9 1. 289毛 and more weight 76. 70% . And the promoting effect of compost on the Siji was more obvious than the Huasheng Cabbage. Key words: Garde


园林废弃物 变废为宝用处大

网址: 园林废弃物堆肥基质对白菜生长发育的影响.pdf https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview356183.html

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