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城市绿谷、活力水岸:泉州东海泰禾广场商业景观设计 | 理事作品


项目委托: 泰禾集团

项目面积:规划用地 8.87ha,景观面积 4.77ha

景观设计: Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl 安博戴水道

建筑单位:GLC建筑事务所, RTKL建筑事务所

设计内容: 商业景观设计、屋顶花园设计

设计时间: 2014年 -2016年

施工时间: 2017年


Quanzhou Thaihot plaza is located in downtown area of Quanzhou. It is an important traffic junction area of Yanjiang Road and Jinjiang Bridge. Site is almost flat, except a big elevation difference with the municipal road in south area. A Rainbow Channel (municipal discharge channel) runs across the site.

Challenge 项目挑战


The primary challenge of the project was to promote the commercial value, while transforming the site into a commercial destination by involving more eco-value and interactive experience.

What we did 我们的设计


设计团队从传统与自然上汲取灵感,结合建筑设计和场地特征,关注人群活动和舒适空间,从强调商业价值出发,以景观与游乐一体化为核心,塑造以“ 城市绿谷、活力水岸”为主题的大型商业综合体景观设计。

Its design inspiration comes from tradition andnature. By combining the architectural design and site characteristics,focusing on human activities and comfort zones, emphasizing its commercial value and the integration of landscape and entertainment, a large commercial complex landscape design with the theme of “Urban Green Valley, Dynamic Water Bank” can be successfully presented.




The landscape axis of the project is based on the rainbow channel. It was a municipal channel, the water of the moat sufferedfrom heavy sedimentation and serious eutrophication, resulting in water bloom.This project creates outdoor spaces according to international leading standards. Under the guidance of transforming the Rainbow Channel into Green Valley in the city, ecological water and revetment treatment technologies areapplied in the cleansing of dirty-water from the upstream. Through methods of dispersing and appropriate natural purification, it may create a reference for management of waste water channels and recovery of waterfront habitats in Quanzhou City.



This design may effectively regulate micro-climate within the site and protect the site safety in a century period of flood event. Stormwater run off from the site has also been collected and stored by decent ralized storm water management systems, and turns to be a source of water for landscape usage, achieving the comprehensive utilization of water resources. Through the integration of eco-technologies and public space, this design not only presents a high-quality visual effects and natural space, while trying to build up a model of ecological civilization and spongy green city.




The Green Valley provides different views on the east and west banks. East bank is a softedge bank with long winding stony track. West link is a hard edge bank which linearly distributes numbers of water show pools and stimulates canyon wall. The different views between east and west provide a naturalized urban forest.



The channel links Erythrina Square, Green Valleyand FerrisWheel Square from south to north. These three sites form the most important landscape axis.



The key highlight of Erythrina Square is a frame type waterscape structure named “The Window of Green Valley” which stands on a giant flower-shaped pavement. Meanwhile, an eight-petal flower water show underneath it, the site can be very eye-catching.



Landscape design of this project aims to guidevisitors to explore from outside to inside spaces by creating interactiveexperience and natural feeling. This natural eco-shopping experience with setof humanities and entertainment is beneficial to attract customers return.While maximizing site commercial value, the design also is able to emphasizehumanity theme and unique brand character of Taihot Plaza.

Roof Garden & Hotel Entrance Design





The roof garden design is based on the theme of a rock garden. And through pure material selection and exquisite detail design, to create a vibrant modern vitality and natural fun roof garden landscape.


/ END /





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来年相约桃花山 漫步山间绿道中感受泉州味
彩化绿化亮化美化迎新年 76万株时花扮靓城市
一路常绿 四季有花!泉州市区常用绿化植物400多种

网址: 城市绿谷、活力水岸:泉州东海泰禾广场商业景观设计 | 理事作品 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview387165.html

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