If I were to fall in love, It would have to be with you. Your eyes, your smile, The way you laugh, The things you say and do. Take me to the places, My heart never knew. So,if I were to fall in love, It would have to be with you. 一首Ed Walter的温暖诗,写尽爱情的美妙绝伦。 今次的主题与花有关,与爱有关。
植物和花是有生命的吗? 玫瑰、尤加利、帝王花、银叶菊、空气凤梨... 每一种都代表着与众不同的物语—— 爱情、回忆、恩赐、胜利、收获。 每一种心情都是植物的自画像。 Are plants and flowers alive? Rose, Ugali, protea cynaroides, cineraria, tiuandsia... Each of them represents a different story - love, memory, gift, victory, harvest. Every mood is a self portrait of plants.#尚舍生活设计
JoyFlower以“沙·丘”展开, 起伏的软绵曲线仿若置身纯白的沙漠。 光洁如斯,没有一丝污染和瑕疵。 JoyFlower take the "sand and hills" as the concept.The ups and downs of the curve make you feel like you're in the pure desert, bright and clean, without a trace of pollution or blemish.#尚舍生活设计
1/2的空间由整墙沙丘元素构成, 与 JoyFlower调性相谐, 传递“花与生活,有灵且美”的品牌内涵。 Half of the space is made up of the sand dunes on the whole wall, which is harmonious with the JoyFlower, and carries the brand connotation of "flower and life, soul and beauty".#尚舍生活设计
外观仅白绿色彩,保留一眼可见的干净清爽, 利用丝线悬吊起的绿叶给墙面注入灵动的韵谐感。 The outward appearance is only white and green, looks clean and refreshing, and uses the green leaves hanging by the silk thread to infuse the walls with an intelligent sense of harmony.#尚舍生活设计#花#绿植
花艺培训区 以四米长桌营造适宜的美学生活仪式感。 绿植搭顶、鲜花铺陈、烛火摇曳, 浪漫温馨、时光静好。 Floral training zone using four meters long table to create a life aesthetic sense of ritual, a green roof, flowers lay, candle flickering, makes people feel the time is quiet, warm and romantic.#尚舍生活设计#花#绿植
追求身心灵层次的满足,是品味人生的一种态度,也是一桩极其美妙的逸事。在花香扑鼻的情境里,激发体内美好的因子,让身心灵得到最舒坦的享受,诗人于良史在春山夜月诗中写“掬水月在手、弄花香满衣”之境,大抵是这样的心灵飨宴之旅。 People pursue physical and spiritual satisfaction, is an attitude to taste life, and it is also a very wonderful anecdotes.In the fragrant smelling environment, you can stimulate the body's beautiful factors, so that the body and mind have been the most comfortable enjoyment.The mood of the poem written by the Yu Liangshi,probably it is the journey of spiritual nourishment.#尚舍生活设计#花#绿植
常州花为媒健康花艺生活馆0519 1457811254
网址: 200㎡花艺培训生活馆,为生活充电 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview419494.html
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