Fake Flowers
By Avi Steinberg
∷黄雪芹 译注
hen I profess my affection for fake flowers, I often feel as though I’m confessing a character flaw. They have, to say the least, a bad reputation. As decoration, they are considered tacky; as gifts, tactless.1They are widely regarded as creepy and depressing—the association is with the debauched fakeries you’ll find on the lapels of birthday-party clowns and the sad sacks of nylon collecting dust in the waiting rooms of our laziest dentists.2
每当我公开承认自己喜欢人造花的时候,都感觉像在承认自己的性格缺陷。因为至少人造花的名声不好。拿它们当装饰品吧,俗气;送礼吧,不体面。人们普遍觉得人造花让人感觉诡异且压抑。它们身上那种堕落的虚假,让人不禁联想到生日聚会上小丑衣服的翻领,或者懒惰牙医的候诊室里让人忧伤 的尼龙垃圾袋。
I understand why people prefer fresh flowers—we imagine they’re individuals like us, delicate, one of a kind and all the more precious for the fact that their time on earth is limited. But real flowers aren’t quite as rare as they seem, nor quite as personal as we’d like them to be. Their authenticity3—the essence of their appeal—is often illusory.
1. tacky: 俗气的,劣质的;tactless:(说话或行为)不圆通的,不明智的。
2. debauched: 堕落的,道德败坏的;lapel: 翻领。
3. authenticity: 真实性。
I’ve been having this debate for years with my mother, a hard-liner on the question of soil-grown flowers versus simulacra.4Once, when I praised some handmades at a store, she told me that she found my worldview joyless and bleak. “That’s not how I raised you,” she said, and walked away as though she couldn’t even bear to see me standing next to them. Later, she summarized her position: “Why don’t you just put fake lettuce in your salad? I’m sure your dinner guests will appreciate it.” I have stopped trying to argue with her, and instead I’ve turned to sleazy5methods of persuasion: I recently sent her a photo of some silk peonies and lured her into praising them before revealing their dark secret.
Regardless of what my mother says, I don’t believe that organic authenticity is really what we prize most in a flower. Take the Rafflesia arnoldii6: It may grow in the wild, just as God intended, but it looks like a scary open wound and smells like a decaying rat. The artificial flower, on the other hand, may not have originated in the field, but it has long found a stately perch.7 Imitations were once prized by nobles, from the palaces of imperial China to Versailles, where Louis XIV’s courtiers are believed to have sought silken blossoms for the tops of their bed canopies.8From these royal lineages9to the more democratic-spirited creations of today’s artisans, handmade blossoms remain a proud tradition.
4. hard-liner: 不妥协者,强硬派;simulacra: 模拟物。
5. sleazy: 低劣的,低级庸俗的。
6. Rafflesia arnoldii: 阿诺德大王花,是世界上最大的花,以英国植物学家约瑟夫·阿诺德的姓氏命名。
7. stately: 庄重的,高贵的;perch: 高位,突出的地位。
8. Versailles: 凡尔赛宫,位于巴黎西南郊,1682—1789年间曾是法国的王宫及政治中心,1979年被列入《世界文化遗产名录》;Louis XIV: 路易十四(1638—1715),自号太阳王,是波旁王朝的法国国王和纳瓦拉国王,也是欧洲历史上在位时间最长的君主(1643—1715);courtier: 朝臣,侍臣;canopy:(床、座位等上的)顶罩,华盖。
9. lineage: 血统,世系。
主编: 侯毅凌
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什么是人造花 人造花如何保养
网址: 人造花(附音频) https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview424982.html
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