首页 > 分享 > 海绵城市建设缓解热岛的效应与机理——以浙江省嘉兴市为例


摘要: 海绵城市建设缓解热岛效应已成为全球气候变化的重要议题之一。以国家首批海绵城市试点嘉兴市为例,利用2013、2015、2017和2018年的Landsat 8遥感影像反演三环内的地表温度,通过空间和时间两个维度评估海绵城市建设对嘉兴城市热岛的缓解作用,利用Pearson相关性分析、灰色综合关联分析和回归分析等方法研究海绵城市建设的结构性指标与相对热岛强度在中小尺度层面的关系。结果表明:海绵城市建设对嘉兴热岛效应有较为明显的缓解作用,且缓解作用随着建设的不断完善而增强;海绵城市建设的结构性指标对相对热岛强度的影响程度从大到小依次为:有效不透水面积比例、下沉式绿地比例、绿地面积比例和透水路面比例;综合考虑城市热岛缓解的有效性及工程的经济性,不同指标的阈值存在差异:有效不透水面积比例应低于0.45,绿地面积比例应高于0.35,透水路面比例控制在0.4左右,下沉式绿地的应用比例则越大越好。在此基础上,提出有效缓解城市热岛效应的策略建议。

关键词: 强度校正, 激光分束, 机载激光雷达, 单束激光穿透指数, 叶面积指数

Abstract: Mitigating urban heat island effect by sponge city construction has become one of the important issues in the research area of global climate change. Jiaxing is among one of the earliest members of national pilot sponge cities of China. With the land surface temperature of Jiaxing retrieved from Landsat 8 images in 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2018, we evaluated the mitigation effect of sponge city construction on the urban heat island of Jiaxing. The relationship between structural indicators of sponge city construction and relative heat island intensity at small andmedium scales was analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis, regression analysis and grey comprehensive correlation analysis. The results showed that the construction of sponge city obviously alleviated heat island effect of Jiaxing, with enhanced mitigation effect following the improvement of sponge city construction. The effects of structural indicators for sponge city construction from largest to the least were in the order of proportion of effective impervious area, proportion of sinking green belt, proportion of green area and proportion of permeable pavement. Considering the effectiveness of urban heat island mitigation and the economy of the project, there were differences in the thresholds of different indicators. The proportion of effective impervious area should be lower than 0.45. The proportion of green area should be higher than 0.35. The proportion of permeable pavement should be controlled at about 0.4. The application proportion of the sinking green space should be as large as possible. Based on those results, we put forward some suggestions to mitigate the urban heat island effect.

Key words: intensity normalization, airborne LiDAR, laser beam splitting, leaf area index (LAI), single laser penetration index.


“南宁做法”为海绵城市建设锦上添花 ——我市海绵城市建设相关负责人答记者问

网址: 海绵城市建设缓解热岛的效应与机理——以浙江省嘉兴市为例 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview425388.html

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