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引用本文:邵银龙,陈珊,杨东,钱爱国,郦建锋,温宇,唐虹,蒋永参,孙元敏,汤坤贤.中国大陆互花米草分布特征及其主要防控措施[J].海洋开发与管理,2023,40(3):97-105    本文已被:浏览 956次   下载 1149次 本文二维码信息
码上扫一扫!中国大陆互花米草分布特征及其主要防控措施 邵银龙,陈珊,杨东,钱爱国,郦建锋,温宇,唐虹,蒋永参,孙元敏,汤坤贤 中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司;自然资源部海洋生态保护与修复重点实验室;自然资源部第三海洋研究所;自然资源部海峡西岸海岛海岸带生态系统野外观测研究站;福建省漳州海岛海岸带生态系统野外观测研究站;福建省海洋生态保护与修复重点实验室 摘要: 互花米草的快速入侵及扩散将导致入侵地的生态系统失衡。我国大陆从北到南的沿海地区分布着大面积的互花米草,严重降低了海岸带的生物多样性及生态屏障功能。我国各地防控互花米草入侵的主要方法包括物理、化学和生物防治三大类。目前各地采用的刈割、碾埋、围堰水淹等单一的防治方法可有效治理小面积的互花米草入侵,对大面积或成片互花米草的治理效果欠佳。文章通过分析比较现有的治理方法,结合科研实践经验,提出了将物理防治法、化学防治法和生物演替法有机结合起来,适宜中国不同地区互花米草的综合整治方法。关键词:  互花米草  物理防治  化学防治  生物防治  综合整治法 DOI:10.20016/j.cnki.hykfygl.20230408.001 投稿日期:2022-07-19修订日期:2023-02-21 基金项目:福建省科技计划项目(2021Y0066);厦门海洋研究开发院共建资助项目(K200701);自然资源部第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目( 海三科2020013). Distribution Characteristics and Main Control Measures of Spartina alterniflora in Mainland China SHAO Yinlong,CHEN Shan,YANG Dong,QIAN Aiguo,LI Jianfeng,WEN Yu,TANG Hong,JIANG Yongcan,SUN Yuanmin,TANG Kunxian PowerChina Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited;Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology Protection and Restoration, MNR;Third Institute of Oceanography, MNR;Observation and Research Station of Island and Coastal Ecosystem in the Western Taiwan Straits, MNR;Fujian Provincial Station for Field Observation and Research of Island and Costal Zone in Zhangzhou;Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Protection and Restoration of Fujian Province;Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology Protection and Restoration, MNR;Third Institute of Oceanography, MNR;Observation and Research Station of Island and Coastal Ecosystem in the Western Taiwan Straits, MNR Abstract: The rapid invasion and spread of Spartina alterniflora will cause great damage to the ecological environment of the invasive areas. Spartina alterniflora is widely distributed in coastal areas from north to south of China, which seriously reduces the biodiversity and ecological barrier function of the coastal zone. The main control methods of Spartina alterniflora invasion in China include physical, chemical and biological control. At present, the single control methods, such as mowing, crushing and burying, and cofferdam flooding, can effectively control the invasion of Spartina alterniflora in small areas, but the control effect of large areas or patches is not good. Based on the analysis and comparison of the existing control methods, combined with the practical experience of scientific research, this paper put forward a comprehensive control method of Spartina alterniflora suitable for different areas of China, which combined the physical control method, chemical control method and biological control method. Key words:  Spartina alterniflora, Physical control method, Chemical control method, Biological control method, Comprehensive control method 相似文献(共3条):[1] 邵银龙,陈珊,杨东,钱爱国,郦建锋,温宇,唐虹,蒋永参,孙元敏,汤坤贤.中国大陆互花米草分布特征及其主要防控措施[J].海洋开发与管理,2023,40(3):97-105.[2] 李加林.杭州湾南岸互花米草潮滩底质粒度及其分布特征[J].海洋科学,2008,32(8):53-57.[3] 方建勇,陈坚.2004年夏季台湾浅滩及其邻近海域悬浮体成分与分布特征[J].台湾海峡,2008,27(2):221-229.


互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)在中国沿海的潜在分布及其对气候变化的响应

网址: 中国大陆互花米草分布特征及其主要防控措施 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview427744.html

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