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科学网—Nature Plants:植物适应自然环境季节性改变的转录组动态变化

Annual transcriptome dynamics in natural environments reveals plant seasonal adaptation

First author: Atsushi J. Nagano; Affiliations: Kyoto University (京都大学): Otsu, Japan

Corresponding author: Hiroshi Kudoh

As most organisms have evolved in seasonal environments, their environmental responses should be adapted to seasonal transitions. Here we show that the combination of temperature and day length shapes the seasonal dynamics of the transcriptome and adaptation to seasonal environments in a natural habitat of a perennial plant Arabidopsis halleri subsp. gemmifera. Weekly transcriptomes for two years and bihourly diurnal transcriptomes on the four equinoxes/solstices (分/至点), identified 2,879 and 7,185 seasonally- and diurnally-oscillating genes, respectively. Dominance of annual temperature changes for defining seasonal oscillations of gene expressions was indicated by controlled environment experiments manipulating the natural 1.5-month lag of temperature behind day length. We found that plants have higher fitness in ‘natural’ chambers than in ‘unnatural’ chambers simulating in-phase and anti-phase oscillations between temperature and day length. Seasonal temperature responses were disturbed in unnatural chambers. Our results demonstrate how plants use multiple types of environmental information to adapt to seasonal environments.


通讯:Hiroshi Kudoh (http://www.ecology.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~kudoh/en/index.html)


doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-018-0338-z

Journal: Nature Plants

Published date: 07 January, 2019


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网址: 科学网—Nature Plants:植物适应自然环境季节性改变的转录组动态变化 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview432160.html

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