首页 > 分享 > 室内绿化植物的选择与养护管理


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  :               、              ,  ,        。              ,   ,              ,    ,                 。                    :  、  、  、                         ,        。                 ,                 ,                 ,         。   :     ;  ;  ;  Abstract: Indoor greening should be integrated with the indoor environment, combined with the function of space to achieve ecological, economic and cultural benefits of the maximum. The choice of indoor green plants has two sides, on the one hand, green indoor environment for what plant growth, on the other hand, to provide what kind of environment can be suitable for selection of plant growth. Indoor greening plants in the process of conservation should pay attention to the following: 1. Light 2 Temperature 3 Humidity 4 nutrients 5 pests prevention and control of indoor green is not only the choice of plants placed, more is to purify the air. Now indoor decoration can not be separated from indoor landscaping, indoor greening can make people feel the warmth of home, but also to make the living environment of home improvement, and ultimately to achieve the maximum efficiency.Key words : Indoor greening ;environment;manage;application   www.taodocs.com         :               、              ,  ,        。              ,   ,              ,    ,                 。                    :  、  、  、                         ,        。                 ,                 ,                 ,         。   :     ;  ;  ;  Abstract: Indoor greening should be integrated with the indoor environment, combined with the function of space to achieve ecological, economic and cultural benefits of the maximum. The choice of indoor green plants has two sides, on the one hand, green indoor environment for what plant growth, on the other hand, to provide what kind of environment can be suitable for selection of plant growth. Indoor greening plants in the process of conservation should pay attention to the following: 1. Light 2 Temperature 3 Humidity 4 nutrients 5 pests prevention and control of indoor green is not only the choice of plants placed, more is to purify the air. Now indoor decoration can not be separated from indoor landscaping, indoor greening can make people feel the warmth of home, but also to make the living environment of home improvement, and ultimately to achieve the maximum efficiency.Key words : Indoor greening ;environment;manage;application   www.taodocs.com       



网址: 室内绿化植物的选择与养护管理 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview433930.html

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