Julio is studying literature in Valdivia and he falls in love with Emilia. Years later, he meets a writer who needs someone to transcribe a novel. A secretary who charge less than him get the job, but Julio doesn't give it up and decides to produce a manuscript that seems identical to the one he saw during his job interview. Without a plot, he turns to the novel that had linked... (展开全部) Julio is studying literature in Valdivia and he falls in love with Emilia. Years later, he meets a writer who needs someone to transcribe a novel. A secretary who charge less than him get the job, but Julio doesn't give it up and decides to produce a manuscript that seems identical to the one he saw during his job interview. Without a plot, he turns to the novel that had linked him to Emilia when he was a student.
智利的《文科恋曲》,照例用Cristóbal Briceño的音乐做原声,还是发生在小城Valdivia的不着调的文艺爱情故事。
Cannes, Salle Debussy
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我要写影评工作结束的感觉是好的,心情随着西装的领口一起松起来。我们大口地吃着三明治,喝着冰冻的可乐,在阳光下,Debussy剧场前面排队等待西班牙影片《Bosan》的入场。这是“一种关注”单元该片的第一次放映,因此出了剧组人员到齐之外,还吸引了金基德的前来观影。 “谁是金基德?... (展开)
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