首页 > 分享 > 中国画学·花鸟画经典品评与绘画技艺




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Chinese Flower-and-Bird painting is an ancient form of art along with other kinds of Chinese art, this form of art has one of the most oriental characteristics and Chinese culture flavor in world culture treasure house. For thousands of years, Chinese Flower-and-Bird painting has left a large amount of valuable theoretical literatures and classical masterpieces in aesthetic theories and painting techniques. All of these are worthwhile to learn, to explore, to promote.

The online Chinese Flower-and-Bird Painting Classics Appreciation course is easy to learn, to understand and to get hands-on. This course is divided into two sections, Classic Appreciation and Painting techniques. While the teaching content in two sections intersect each other. During this course, we focuses on both technical and cognitive skills. As for the way of presentation, this course should be, as far as possible, simple and easy to understand. We will choose the most typical and classic works of Flower-and-Bird painting and relatively common painting themes. Also, we will introduce you by different styles of Chinese painting, traditional art principles, interpretations of individual cases, analysis of masterpieces, technique demonstrations, interactive communication and so on.




Students will obtain further understanding of the aesthetic appreciation of Chinese Flower-and-Bird painting as well as its basic painting skills. Students will also experience and enjoy the beauty of Chinese Flower-and-Bird painting as well as the inner personalities and outward demeaner of ancient Chinese literati. Meanwhile, students could experience and learn the rich humanistic heritage of Chinese painting and the beauty and spirit that is revealed in those artworks.


导读 introduction


绪论 preface


第一章:中国花鸟画经典品评 Chapter I :Chinese Flower-and-Bird Painting Classics Appreciation

第一讲:关于中国传统绘画品评及六法介绍 Lecture I :Introduction to Chinese painting Appreciation and “Six Principles”

第二讲:师源造化的中国古代花鸟画 Lecture II:Flower-and-Bird Painting: Inspiration from Nature

第三讲:牧溪《六柿图》中的禅境 Lecture III: Zen Spirit of “Six Persimmons” by Muxi

第四讲:文人画中的四君子题材绘画 Lecture IV: Four-Gentlemen of Literati Painting

第五讲:徐渭大写的翰墨情怀 Lecture V: Free Will of Xuwei

第六讲:朱耷笔墨中的心境表达 Lecture VI: Emotion of Zhuda’s Brushwork

单元测验 Unit Test

单元作业 Unit Assignment

第二章:中国花鸟画之四季写生 Chapter II: Sketch from Life in Four Seasons of Flower-and-Bird Painting

第五讲:菊花写生步骤与赏析 Lecture V: Sketch Step of Chrysanthemum and Appreciation

第六讲:菊花写生法 Lecture VI: Chinese Sketch Style of Chrysanthemum

第七讲:水仙花写生步骤与赏析 Lecture VII: Sketch Step of Narcissus and Appreciation

第八讲:水仙花写生法 Lecture VIII: Chinese Sketch Style of Narcissus

第一讲:牡丹花写生步骤与赏析 Lecture I: Sketch Step of Peony and Appreciation

第二讲:牡丹花写生法 Lecture II: Chinese Sketch Style of Peony

第三讲:荷花写生步骤与赏析 Lecture III: Sketch Step of Lotus and Appreciation

第四讲:荷花写生法 Lecture IV: Chinese Sketch Style of Lotus

单元测验 Unit Test

单元作业 Unit Assignment

第三章:中国花鸟画之昆虫、禽鸟写生法 Chapter III: Sketch from Life of Flower-and-Bird Painting: Insects and Birds

第一讲:昆虫写生法 Lecture I: Style of Insect Sketch

第二讲:禽鸟写生法 Lecture II: Style of Bird Sketch

单元测验 Unit Test

单元作业 Unit Assignment



Prerequisite Knowledge

Flower-and-Bird Painting is a category of traditional Chinese painting. It can be subdivided into painting categories like Flower, Bird, Vegetable and Fruits, Grass and Insect, Animals, Fish. 


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《白描花卉蔬果》张铨著   中国美术学院出版社    ZhangQuan, Line Drawing of Flowers and Vegetables, China Academy of Art Press

《白描草虫》张铨著   中国美术学院出版社    ZhangQuan, Line Drawing of Grass and Insects, China Academy of Art Press

《张铨作品集——写生卷》张铨著   中国美术学院出版社    ZhangQuan , Collection by ZhangQuan—Sketch from Life, China Academy of Art Press

《古画品录解析》温肇桐  江苏美术出版社   1992年版    WenZhaotong,” Appreciation of Ancient Paintings “Analysis, JiangSu Fine Art Publishing House ,1992

《听天阁画谈随笔》潘天寿  人民美术出版社  1980年版    PanTianshou, Essays on Ting Tian Ge, People’s Publishing House, 1980

《中国画学全史》郑午昌  吉林出版集团股份有限公司  2016年版    ZhengWuchang, Complete History of Chinese Painting Study, Jilin Publishing Group Co., Ltd., 2016

《宋代绘画发展史》佘城  荣宝斋出版社  2017年版    Shecheng, History of Painting in Song Dynasty, RongBaoZhai Publishing House, 2017

 崔白《双喜图》[北宋]崔白   人民美术出版社  1991年版    Cuibai, Double Happiness (Magpies and Hare), Northern Song Dynasty, People’s Publishing House,1991

《法常禅画艺术》徐建融   上海人民美术出版社   1989年版    Xujianrong, Zen Painting of Fachang, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 1989

《徐渭集》 [明]徐渭  中华书局  1999年版    Xuwei, Ming Dynasty, Collection of Xuwei, China Publishing House, 1999

《八大山人全集》 江西美术出版社  2003年版     Collection of BaDaShanRen, Jiangxi Fine Art Publishing House, 2003

《梅兰竹菊画谱》艺苑掇英编辑部  上海人民美术出版社  1992年版     Paintings of Plum Blossom, Orchid, Bamboo, Chrysanthemum, YiYuanDuoying Editorial Department, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House,1992

《中国名画鉴赏辞典》上海辞书出版社 1993年版     Dictionary of Chinese Painting Appreciation, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, 1993

《中国历代名家技法集萃》吴宪生 韩璐等  山东美术出版社  2003年版     Wuxiansheng, Hanlu, Collection of Chinese Painting Techniques, Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House, 2003

《宋画全集》  浙江大学出版社   2008年版     Chinese Painting of Song Dynasty, Zhejiang University Press, 2008


Q :  如何对中国花鸟画进行品评?A :  跟着视频学习,带你品评中国花鸟画经典作品。

Q: How to appreciate Chinese Flower-and-Bird painting? A: Just Follow the video, we will guide you to appreciate Chinese classic Flower-and-Bird Painting.

Q :  如何着手学习掌握中国花鸟画技法?A :  跟着视频学习,带你掌握中国花鸟画技法。

Q: How to study the technique of Chinese Flower-and-Bird Painting? A: Follow the video, we will help you to learn the Flower-and-Bird techniques.



网址: 中国画学·花鸟画经典品评与绘画技艺 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview448064.html

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