2014香港花卉展览 2014 Hong Kong Flower Show 园 圆 园艺 花园 圆满 团圆 主题设计说明: · Garden Circle Horticulture Gardene Perfection Reunion Theme Design Notes: 总平面图设计说明: 平面以大小不等的圆交叉组合成灵动的图案充满设计感。空间上四周以相交相切的半球体围合,中央砾石地面镶嵌菱形花坛,在三个平面圆的中心,从花球中心托起一个穹顶的三角花亭。 在整个景点的园艺制作上,更是表达当代世界最时尚的立体园艺技术,体现上海园艺的高度与水准。 General layout design explanation The plane consists of circles of various sizes to form a vivid pattern which is full of aesthetics. The space above the plane is surrounded by the intersection of hemispheres which are tangent to each other. A rhomb-shaped parterre is rooted in the middle of the gravel ground. A domed flower stand is held up at the intersection of three plane circles, in the middle of the flower sphere. The gardening technique of the scene aims to demonstrate the most fashionable 3D gardening technique, as well as the altitude and craftsmanship of Shanghai horticulture. 总平面图 砾石地面 平面花卉 球面花卉 立面花卉 穹顶花亭 立面花卉 球面花卉 亭角半球花卉 球面花卉 立面花卉 球面花卉 立面花卉 球面花卉 General layout facade flower spherical flower gravel ground spherical flower hemi-spherical flower at the side of the parterre rhomb-shaped parterre plane flower spherical flower facade flower spherical flower facade flower spherical flower facade flower 参考图 砾石参考图 穹顶花亭参考图 reference image reference image of the domed flower stand reference image of gravel ground 参考图 花球参考图 reference image reference image of flower sphere 参考图 意向图 reference image Schematic diagram 构思效果图 手绘效果图 Design Rendering Hand-drawn design sketch 效果图1 效果图 Design plan one Design plan 效果图2 效果图 Design plan two Design plan A立面图 A立面 A C D B A Elevation view A facade B立面图 B立面 D A C B B Elevation view B facade A C D B C立面图 C立面 C Elevation view C facade D立面图 D立面 A C D B D Elevation view D facade 植物选择 角堇 Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (家樂花/長壽花) Choice of plants Viola cornuta 展出单位:上海市绿化和市容管理局 (Shanghai Landcaping City Appearance Administrative Department) 布展单位:上海市风景园林学会 (SHANGHAI LANDSCAPE ARCHITECHITECTURE SOCIETY) 上海上房园艺有限公司 (SHANGHA
#香港花卉展览# 「...
香港春节观兰花世界 香港2013香港花卉展览预告
网址: 2014香港花卉展览x讲稿.ppt https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview452326.html
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