摘 要 目前市场上很多的浇花系统都没有按照合适的水量进行浇灌,缺水的花草逐渐枯萎死亡,而本系统设计开发了一套温室浇花系统,实现了智能手机指令控制系统浇花的功能。 本系统是在物联网技术的基础上完成的。该系统采用了Arduino和iOS开发平台。其中,Arduino平台进行硬件电路的搭建,iOS平台进行手机客户端应用软件的开发,而Arduino硬件和iOS软件之间的通信接口则选择WiFi技术完成。手机软件可以实时显示温湿度和光照强度的折线图以及当天的天气情况,并且能够远程控制浇花。Arduino硬件电路主要完成花草土壤湿度、温度和光照强度的实时监测、自动控制花草浇水和人工控制花草浇水等功能。用户只需发送手机指令通过WiFi即可控制Arduino硬件部分的浇花驱动。 本系统硬件电路响应迅速、通信链路建立快捷、软件操作方便,可以清晰的了解花的土壤湿度和周边温度及光照强度,易于管理。通过自动浇花或手动浇花实现温室浇花的智能化控制。 关键词:物联网,Arduino,iOS,WiFi Abstract Currently on the market a lot of watering systems are not in accordance with the appropriate amount of water for irrigation, water shortage of flowers and plants gradually withered death, this system is designed and developed as a greenhouse watering system, it realizes the function of mobile phone to control watering flowers. This system is completed based on the intent of things technology. The system uses the Arduino and iOS development platform. Among them, the Arduino platform builds hardware circuit, the iOS platform develops the application software and the communication interface of the Arduino hardware and iOS software uses WiFi technology. Mobile phone software can display real-time temperature and humidity and light intensity of the line chart and the days weather conditions, and can remote control watering the flowers. Arduino hardware circuit mainly complete plants and soil moisture, temperature and light intensity of real-time monitoring, flowers and plants watered water functions such as automatic control and manual control. Users only need to send cell phone instruction through WiFi to control the Arduino hardware watering the flowers. The hardware circuit of the system is quick and easy to operate, and the communication link is easy to operate. It can clearly understand the soil moisture of the flower and the surrounding temperature and light intensity, so it is easy to manage. Through the automatic watering or manual watering to realize intelligent control of the greenhouse. Key words: internet of things,
网址: 智能自动浇花系统的设计 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview478127.html
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