摘要: 在大田栽培条件下,经过3年试验,研究了在花针期叶面喷施植物生长调节剂DTA-6对花生产量、品质及器官生理功能的影响。结果表明:与清水对照比较,DTA-6可显著增加荚果和籽仁产量,表现在单株干物质增加,饱荚数、饱荚重和籽仁重显著提高,秕荚数显著减少;DTA-6对籽仁中含油量具有促进作用,而对游离氨基酸、蛋白质含量有降低的趋势;同时DTA-6提高了花生的根系活力和根系伤流量以及根系的吸收和合成能力,提高了花生的结瘤性和固氮能力。
关键词: 花生 / 植物生长调节剂 / DTA-6 / 产量 / 品质 / 根系Abstract: Field experiments were conducted in 2000 to 2002 at China Agricultural University to examine the effect of PGR DTA-6 on peanut yield and quality and it’s root physiology. Foliage spraying DTA-6 20 mg/L at flowering-pegging stage was used in 2000 to 2002. The main results were as follows: peanut yields were increased and the yield-components were improved by DTA-6 treatment. DTA-6 treatments also increased fat content, but decreased protein and amino acids content in kernels. The ability of root activity and xylem was increased by DTA-6 treatments, and the activity of root absorbed nitrogen and accumulation was improved. The number of nodules and the fixed nitrogen activity were increased by DAT-6.
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