引用本文:孙云云,刘方明,高玉山,等.吉林西部膜下滴灌水氮调控对玉米生长及水肥利用的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2020,39(11):76-82.,et al.吉林西部膜下滴灌水氮调控对玉米生长及水肥利用的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2020,39(11):76-82.本文已被:浏览 1430次 下载 1115次
码上扫一扫!吉林西部膜下滴灌水氮调控对玉米生长及水肥利用的影响孙云云,刘方明,高玉山,侯中华,窦金刚,刘慧涛吉林省农业科学院 农业资源与环境研究所,长春130033 摘要: 【目的】制定合理的水肥调控措施。【方法】针对吉林省西部半干旱区气候干旱、土壤贫瘠、水肥利用率低等问题,利用避雨大棚来开展膜下滴灌水肥联合调控试验,设置3个灌水水平,即W1:350 mm、W2:500 mm、W3:650 mm;4个施氮水平,即N0:0 kg/hm2、N1:120 kg/hm2、N2:240 kg/hm2、N3:360 kg/hm2,研究滴灌条件下不同水肥供应对玉米生长、干物质量、产量、产量构成及水肥利用率的影响。【结果】灌水量为350~575 mm,施氮量低于300 kg/hm2时,水、氮耦合表现出明显的正交互作用,可提升玉米的株高、叶面积、产量等。但盲目增施氮肥并不能获得最大粮食产量,在水分胁迫条件下,高氮量反而对玉米的生长发育有所抑制,导致了较低的水肥利用效率。W2N3处理产量最高,较其他处理高了3.7%~49.7%。W2N3处理氮肥农学效率最高,比其他处理高0.82~0.28 kg/kg。【结论】综合高产、高效和水肥利用效率等因素,建议吉林省西部半干旱区玉米生产中需水量为500~575 mm,施氮量为240~300 kg/hm2。关键词: 滴灌;水氮;玉米;产量;水肥利用效率 DOI:10.13522/j.cnki.ggps.2019384 分类号: 基金项目: Regulating Water and Fertilizer Application in Film-mulched Drip Irrigation to Improve Growth and Water - Fertilizer Utilization of Maize in Western JilinSUN Yunyun, LIU Fangming, GAO Yushan, HOU Zhonghua, DOU Jingang, LIU HuitaoInstitute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changchun 130033, China Abstract: 【Background】Maize is a staple crop and its sustainable production is critical to food security in China. The areas with maize cultivation in the semi-arid regions in western Jilin province are approximately 800,000 hectares, but its yield is low due to the combined impact of drought and low utilization efficiency of water and fertilizer. It is hence important to study the mechanisms underlying water-nitrogen coupling, its consequent impact on yield, as well as the use efficiency of both water and nitrogen in these regions.【Objective】Considering aridity, soil degradation, low water and fertilizer use efficiency in western Jilin province, this work investigated the combined effects of different water and fertilizer couplings on growth, biomass accumulation, yield and yield composition of maize under film-mulched drip irrigation, in attempts to provide a guidance for increasing water and fertilizer use efficiency in maize production in western Jilin province.【Method】The experiment was carried out at a filed in the Qian Experimental Station of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences. We compared three irrigations: 350 mm, 500 mm and 650 mm, and four nitrogen fertilizer applications: 0 kg/hm2, 120 kg/hm2, 240 kg/hm2 and 360 kg/hm2. In each treatment, we measured plant height, leaf area index and yield of the maize. 【Result】The water and nitrogen interacted positively in promoting plant height, leaf area index and yield of the maize to some extents. Increasing nitrogen fertilizer did not necessarily lead to an increase in yield as under water stress, increasing nitrogen application over a critical level inhibited plant growth thereby reducing water and fertilizer use efficiency. The W2+N3 gave the highest yield, increasing by 3.7%~49.7% compared with other treatments; it also had the highest fertilizer agronomic efficiency, up 0.82~10.28 kg/kg compared to other treatments.【Conclusion】Considering both yield and resource use efficiency, the optimal water and fertilizer applications for maize under film-mulched drip irrigation in western Jilin province was 500~575 mm and 240~300 kg/hm2 respectively. Key words: drip irrigation; water and nitrogen; maize; yield; water and fertilizer utilization efficiency
网址: 吉林西部膜下滴灌水氮调控对玉米生长及水肥利用的影响 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview497401.html