文章导航 > 农业工程学报 > 2002 > 18(6) : 203-206.
祁力钧, 傅泽田, 史岩. 化学农药施用技术与粮食安全[J]. 农业工程学报, 2002, 18(6): 203-206.
引用本文: 祁力钧, 傅泽田, 史岩. 化学农药施用技术与粮食安全[J]. 农业工程学报, 2002, 18(6): 203-206.
Qi Lijun, Fu Zetian, Shi Yan. Technology of Pesticide Application and Food Security[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2002, 18(6): 203-206.
Citation: Qi Lijun, Fu Zetian, Shi Yan. Technology of Pesticide Application and Food Security[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2002, 18(6): 203-206.
基金项目: 博士点基金和农业部948(991066)资助项目
计量 文章访问数: 1123 HTML全文浏览量: 0 PDF下载量: 670 出版历程 收稿日期: 2002-03-18 修回日期: 2002-05-30 发布日期: 2002-11-29摘要
摘要: 化学农药在保证粮食供应方面发挥了重要作用,这是粮食安全的传统意义。但是农药大量投入导致农产品中农药残留超标,影响了粮食安全的另一个方面。化学农药对农产品的负面影响与农药的施用方法有密切的关系。发达国家在改善环境质量、提高农产品品质的同时,建立了完善的农药使用和管理法规,并通过农药施用技术改造,大大提高了农药的利用率,从而基本解决了农药环境污染和农产品农药残留超标的问题。我国在农药施用过程中,由于长期忽视施用质量的提高,加之缺乏相应的管理措施,农药对病虫草害的防治效果一直是以农药的大量投入来保证的,对农产品质量造成了很大的影响。要解决农药的使用问题,首先须通过行政管理和立法限制单位土地面积上农药的施用量,其次建立农户农药购买登记制度,保证农户实际所用农药不会超过允许使用量,最后加强农药施用者的培训,培训合格后发给操作证,持证施用农药。确保这3个环节的落实,可激发农户农药施用技术的改进,使有限投入的农药发挥最大的效用,减少农药用量,缓解农药与环境及农产品质量之间的矛盾
Abstract: The application of pesticides plays a very important role in agricultural production. Pesticides are essential in order to maintain the supply of food, however, they spoil the quality of agro-products and pollute the environment. The negative effects of pesticide use are closely related to pesticide application technology. While improving environment and enhancing agro-product quality, western countries set up integrative regulations and policies to promote the innovation of pesticides application technology for reducing pesticides dosage. These measures greatly enhanced the efficiency of pesticide application and ensured the residues under standard level. Since loosing control of pesticide application quality and lack of corresponding legislations in China, farmers usually control pest by putting more pesticides than crops needed. This is the basic reason of high pesticide residues in our agro-products today. To deal with this problem, some measures are needed to take. Firstly, it is needed to establish necessary regulations and policies to limit pesticide dosage used on unit arable land; Secondly, it is necessary to set up a system for farmers to purchase pesticides in terms of their arable land area without exceeding the amount permitted; and lastly, it is essential to strengthen training to pesticide applicators, only those who have the certificates after a success training can spray pesticides. When these three measures are put into effect, farmers' enthusiasm will be inspired to improve their pesticide application techniques and to invest on higher quality spray tools. It is predictable that pesticide application situation will be improved obviously when above measures go to practice.
计量 文章访问数: 1123 HTML全文浏览量: 0 PDF下载量: 670 出版历程 收稿日期: 2002-03-18 修回日期: 2002-05-30 发布日期: 2002-11-29相关知识
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