摘要: 从开花物候、花朵数量性状、花粉活力、花粉组织化学、柱头可授性、花粉在柱头上的萌发状况、杂交指数、花粉胚珠比、传粉媒介以及繁育系统等方面,研究了外来入侵植物美洲商陆(Phytolacca americana)的传粉生态学特性,为揭示该物种成功入侵的机理提供依据。结果表明:美洲商陆种群花期可达45~70 d,单花花期为2~3 d,可进一步分为杯状花期、花瓣平展期、花瓣下垂期、花瓣反卷期;花冠直径在下垂期最大且不超过1 cm,花药与柱头间距离在1~2.5 mm,有利于自交的发生;花瓣平展期与花瓣下垂期花粉活力差异显著(P<0.05),杯状花期与花瓣平展期花粉活力差异不显著(P>0.05),花瓣平展期花粉活力可达85%;雌蕊柱头可授性在花瓣平展期最强;杯状花期合生柱头开裂,花瓣平展期柱头9~10裂,接受花粉的表面积增大;花药散粉时间与合生柱头开裂时间相吻合,有助于柱头接受花粉;扫描电镜下观察到花粉在花瓣平展期的柱头上已萌发;每朵花可提供1667~3222粒花粉,胚珠9~10个,花粉胚珠比(P/O)为340.88±34.99,表现为兼性自交;美洲商陆杂交指数(OCI)为3,花粉粒属于含脂型,主要传粉昆虫有蜜蜂、胡蜂、食蚜蝇、细腰蜂。综上所述,美洲商陆自交亲和,花粉活力高、柱头可授性强,且高花粉活力与强柱头可授性出现在相同的时期,增加了花粉落置柱头及在柱头上萌发的几率;虫媒花,访花者行为与花朵相适应,有利于提高坐果率,这样的繁殖机制与传粉特点是美洲商陆成功入侵的主要因素之一。
关键词: 石灰性褐土, 秸秆还田, 隔年深松, 深翻, 连年旋耕, 磷脂脂肪酸, 土壤酶活性
Abstract: Pollination ecological characteristics of pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) were systematically studied by measuring flowering phenology, flower quantitative characters, pollen vitality and histochemistry, stigma receptivity, pollen germination on stigmata, outcrossing index, pollenovule ratio, pollinators, and mating system. The aim of this study is to understand the mechanism underlying successful invasion of pokeweed. The results showed that the flowering span of pokeweed was 45-70 d. The life span of single flowers was 2-3 d, including goblet flowering, petal flattening, petal sagging and petal rewinding stage. The corolla was no larger than 1 cm in diameter in petal sagging stage. The distance between the anther and the stigma was 1-2.5 mm, promoting selfpollination. There was a significant difference in pollen viability between petal flattening stage and petal sagging stage (P<0.05), and no significant difference between goblet flowering stage and petal flattening stage (P>0.05). The pollen viability during petal flattening stage was higher than 85%. In the petal flattening stage, the stigma receptivity was the highest and the synthetic stigmata cracked into 9 to 10, which increased the surface area of stigma for receiving more pollen. Results from the scanning electron microscope revealed that pollen had been germinated on the stigma of this stage. Therefore, the timing of anther loose pollen coincided with the timing of synthetic stigma cracking, which might be beneficial to selfpollination. Each flower contained 1667-3222 pollen grains and 9-10 ovules. The pollen ovule ratio (P/O) was 340.88±34.99 and hybridization index (OCI) was 3. The P/O ratio suggests that pokeweed is facultative autogamous. Pokeweed has fatcontaining pollen. At least four different species of insect taxa, such as bees, wasps, scorpion flies, and thinwax bees, were the “principal pollinators”. In conclusion, pokeweed is selfcompatible with high pollen viability and strong stigma receptivity. The cooccurrence of high pollen viability and strong stigma receptivity is conducive to improve fruit setting. Those reproductive mechanism and pollination characteristics are the main factors for the successful invasion of pokeweed.
Key words: calcareous cinnamon soil, corn straw returned to soil, subsoil tillage per 2 years, convention tillage, rotary tillage every year, phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA), soil enzyme activities.
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网址: 入侵植物美洲商陆的传粉生态学特性 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview516208.html
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