Umbrella of American palaeobotany-4:
Cornellian legend of Devonian palaeobotany
1910年,胡适(1891--1962)作为第二批“庚子赔款”(Boxer Rebellion Indemnity Scholarship)的中国留学生进入康奈尔大学“农科”学习。胡适在第2学期学习了植物学,成绩并不优秀。两年之后,胡适改学哲学和文学。在康奈尔学习期间,胡适认识了地质古生物教授Henry Shaler Williams (1847--1918)的儿女--Edith Clifford Williams (1885--1971)。1934年,胡适的好友--曹诚英(1902--1973)在康奈尔大学农学院学习。1937年曹诚英毕业于康奈尔,返回中国大陆工作,成为中国农学界第一位女教授。这些都是题外话。
康奈尔大学的泥盆纪古植物学研究是一个传奇。130多年前(确切地说是1882年),有一个名叫(Charles) David White(1862--1935)的年轻人到康奈尔求学。康奈尔校园下伏泥盆纪地层,页岩里有泥盆纪植物化石。David White采集了植物化石并研究。1886年,他写了一篇关于泥盆纪植物化石—Ptilophyton的毕业研究论文。同年,地质古生物教授Henry Shaler Williams推荐David White到美国联邦地质调查局跟随著名地质学家和古植物学家Lester F. Ward(1841--1913)工作多年。David White是一位多产的杰出地质学家和古植物学家,1912年当选为美国科学院院士。
康奈尔大学关于化石植物研究的快速崛起开始于其植物学教授Loren Clifford Petry(1887--1970)的兴趣。自20世纪20年代起,康奈尔大学逐步成为美国泥盆纪植物研究的中心,引领世界泥盆纪植物研究的发展长达半个多世纪,也造就了几位卓越的科学家。
孙启高 2014年11月4日
White, (Charles) David (1862--1935), 1886. (Senior thesis) . On the nature andsystematic
classification of Ptilophyton vanuxemi Dawson. Cornell University.
The genus Callixylon from the upper Devonian of central and western New York
by Chester Arthur Arnold
Author/Creator:Arnold,Chester A. (Chester Arthur), 1901-1977
Format: Thesis/Book
Published: 1929.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian/Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description: 50p., [19] p. of plates : ill., map ; 23 cm.
Notes: "Reprinted from Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, vol. XI,1929. Published 1930."
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Cornell University, September, 1928.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 48-50).
The genus Callixylon from the upper Devonian of central and western New York
Author/Creator Arnold,Chester A. (Chester Arthur), 1901-1977
Format: Thesis/Book
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1929.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description: 89,[4] l. illus., maps. 28 cm.
Notes: Thesis(Ph. D.)--Cornell University, Feb. 1929.
A new American species of Calamopitys from the Devonian
Author/Creator:Thomas, Dale Edmund, 1893-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1932.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Description: 43l. 11 plates. 27 cm.
Notes:Thesis(Ph. D.) - Cornell Univ., Sept. 1932.
A new American species of Calamopitys from the Devonian
Author/Creator:Thomas, DaleEdmund, 1893-
Format: Thesis/Microform/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1932.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Description: 43l. 11 plates. 27 cm.
Series: New York andNortheast agriculture and natural history preservation project.
Notes: Title was chosen for the New York and Northeast agriculture and natural history preservation project, 1998-2001. The project was carried out by the Cornell University, A.R. Mann Library, New York State Library, and New York Public Library and funded in part by the New York State Dept. of Education.
Thesis (Ph. D.) - Cornell Univ., Sept. 1932.
Microfilm. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University, A.R. Mann Library ; Ithaca, N.Y.: Challenge Industries, 2000. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. New York and Northeast agriculture and natural history preservation project.
Microfilm. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University, A.R. Mann Library ; Ithaca, N.Y.: Challenge Industries, 2000. 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm. New York and Northeast agriculture and natural history preservation project.
Devonian plants from southeastern New York
Author/Creator:Banks, HarlanP. (Harlan Parker), 1913-
Format: Thesis/Microform/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1940.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description :176 l. illus., maps. 27 cm.
Series: New York andNortheast agriculture and natural history preservation project.
Notes: Title was chosen for the New York and Northeast agriculture and natural history preservation project, 1998-2001. The project was carried out by the Cornell University, A.R. Mann Library, New York State Library, and New York PublicLibrary and funded in part by the New York State Dept. of Education.
Thesis (Ph. D.) - Cornell Univ., Sept. 1940.
Microfilm. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University, A.R. Mann Library ; Ithaca, N.Y.: Challenge Industries, 2000. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. New York and Northeast agriculture and natural history preservation project.
Microfilm. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University, A.R. Mann Library ; Ithaca, N.Y.: Challenge Industries, 2000. 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm. New York and Northeast agriculture and natural history preservation project.
Devonian plants from southeastern New York
Author/Creator:Banks, HarlanP. (Harlan Parker), 1913-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1940.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description :176 l. illus., maps. 27 cm.
Notes: Thesis(Ph. D.) - Cornell Univ., Sept. 1940.
Studies in the genus Callixylon
Author/Creator:Beck, Charles B.
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1952.
Subject: Callixylon
Description: 44l. illus. 27 cm.
Notes: Thesis(M. S.) -- Cornell Univ., Feb., 1952.
The transfer technique in the study of Devonian plants
Author/Creator:Rosenberg,Marvin J , 1931-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1954.
Subject: Paleobotany> Methodology
Description : iv, 48 p. illus. 28 cm.
Notes: Thesis(M. S.)--Cornell Univ., Sept. 1954.
A new genus of pteridosperm precursors from the Devonian of New York
Author/Creator:Beck, Charles B.
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1955.
Subject: Tetraxylopteris
Description :iv, 83 l. illus. 29 cm.
Notes:Thesis(Ph. D.)--Cornell Univ., Sept. 1955.
Fossil flora of the Onteora "Red beds" (Upper Devonian) in New York State, a preliminary survey
Author/Creator:Hueber,Francis Maurice, 1929-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1959.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description :iv, 51 l. illus. 9 plates. 29 cm.
Notes: Thesis(M. S.)--Cornell Univ., June 1959.
Contributions to the fossil flora of the Onteora "red beds" (Upper Devonian) in New York State
Author/Creator:Hueber,Francis Maurice, 1929-
Format: Thesis/Book
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1960.
Subject:Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description :iv, 212 l. illus. 29 cm.
Related Work: Fossil floraof the Onteora "red beds" (Upper Devonian) in New York State.
Notes: Thesis(Ph. D.)--Cornell Univ., Sept. 1960
A new genus of Psilopsida from the lower devonian of the Gaspé peninsula
Author/Creator: Davis,Michelle (Rostan) 1940-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published:[Ithaca,N. Y.] 1964.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Description: vii,55 l. illus., plates, tables. (part fold.) 29 cm.
Notes: Thesis(M. S.)--Cornell Univ., June 1964.
Contributions to the upper Devonian flora of New York
Author/Creator:Matten,Lawrence Charles, 1938-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y., c1965]
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description :viii, 141 l. illus., 14 plates, tables (part fold) 29 cm.
Notes: Thesis(Ph. D.)--Cornell University, June 1965.
Calamophyton in the middle Devonian of New York State
Author/Creator:Bonamo,Patricia Marie, 1938-
Format: Thesis/Book
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1965.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description : v, 77 l. illus., tables (part fold.) 29 cm.
Notes: Thesis(M. S.)--Cornell Univ., Sept. 1965.
∮13 [本论文没有涉及泥盆纪植物 ]
On Pinostrobus tatchuensis----a new fossil cone from the tertiary of British Columbia
Author/Creator:Bunting,Álida Antonia (Ortiz), 1942-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y. ] 1965.
Subject: Paleobotany> BritishColumbia
Paleobotany> Tertiary
Description: vii,36 l. illus., plates, 2 tables (1 fold.) 29 cm.
Notes: Thesis(M. S.)--Cornell University, June 1965.
Tetraxylopteris schmidtii---the fertile branching system
Author/Creator:Bonamo,Patricia Marie, 1938-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1966.
Subject: Tetraxylopterisschmidtii
Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description :vi, 60 l. illus., plates. 29 cm.
Notes: Thesis (Ph.d.)--Cornell University, June 1966.
Contributions to the morphology and anatomy ofthe Devonian progymnosperm Archaeopteris
Author/Creator:Carluccio,Leeds Mario, 1936-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1966.
Subject: From 345 to405 million years ago
Paleobotany> Devonian
Description: viii,149 l. illus., plates, fold. table. 30 cm.
Notes:Thesis(Ph. D.) - Cornell University, Sept. 1966.
An Upper Devonian flora from central New York State
Author/Creator:Wilcox,Margret Schnaitman, 1929-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1967.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description :v, 78 l. illus., diagrs., tables. 29 cm.
Notes: Thesis(Ph. D.)--Cornell Univ., Sept. 1967.
Pseudosporchnus in the middle devonian of New York State
Author/Creator:Schuchman,Penny G Axelrod, 1944-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1969.
Subject:Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description:iv,70 l. incl. illus. 28 cm.
Notes: Thesis(M. S.)--Cornell Univ., June 1969.
Evolutionary trends in primitive progymnosperms
Author/Creator:Scheckler,Stephen Edward, 1944-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1970.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description :vii, 180 l. illus. 28 cm.
Notes: Thesis(M. S.)--Cornell Univ., Sept. 1970.
The Chiasmoxylales - a new order of protoarticulates from the early Upper Devonian of New York
Author/Creator:Sebby, Wade Stanley, 1942-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1972.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description: [2],vi, 110 l. illus. 28 cm.
Notes: Thesis(Ph. D.)--Cornell Univ., Aug. 1972.
Bibliography: leaves 69-75.
Zygellipsiselegans gen. et sp. nov., a problematical fern-like plant from the Upper Devonian of New York State
Author/Creator:Stone, JerryLeonard, 1942-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1972.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description :vii, 87 l. illus. 28 cm.
Notes: Thesis(Ph. D.)--Cornell Univ., Jan. 1973.
Bibliography: leaves 59-65.
Title: Anatomyand morphology of Ibyka amphikoma, a new plant from the Middle Devonian of New York State
Author: Skog,Judith Ellen, 1944-
Format: Thesis/book
Language: English
Published: [Ithaca,N. Y.] 1972.
Subject: Ibykaamphikoma;Paleobotany> Devonian
Description: 2,vii, 77 l. illus. 28 cm.
Notes: Bibliography:leaves 56-61.
Drepanophycus spinaeformis--a long-ranging Devonian lycopod
by Sara Patricia Stubblefield
Author/Creator:Stubblefield, Sara Patricia, 1949-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: 1976.
Subject: Lycopodiales,Fossil
Paleobotany> Devonian
Club mosses
Description: v,89 leaves : ill., maps ; 28 cm.
Notes: Photocopyof typescript.
Thesis (M. S.)--Cornell University, Sept., 1976.
Bibliography: leaves 70-75.
Morphology and anatomy of Aneurophyton, a progymnosperm from the Upper Devonian of New York
by Bruce Steven Serlin
Author/Creator:Serlin, Bruce Steven, 1952-
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Published: 1977.
Subject: Paleobotany> Devonian
Paleobotany> New York(State)
Description: iv,67 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm.
Notes: Photocopyof typescript.
Thesis (M. S.)--Cornell University, May, 1977.
Bibliography: leaves 47-51.
Structure and preservation of tracheid wallsin selected Paleozoic plant genera
by Christine M. Hartman
Author/Creator:Hartman,Christine Mary, 1953-
Format: Thesis/Book
Published: 1979.
Paleobotany> Paleozoic
Plant cellwalls
Description: v,149 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm.
Notes: Photocopyof typescript.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Cornell University, May, 1979.
Bibliography: leaves 95-106.
∮24 [这篇博士没有涉及泥盆纪植物]
The fossil record of Iteaceae and Grossulariaceae in the Cretaceous and Tertiary of the United States and Canada
Author/Creator:Hermsen,Elizabeth Jean.
Format: Thesis/Book
Language: English
Subject: Paleobotany
Summary: Circumscriptions and the perceived importance of the family Saxifragaceae (Order Saxifragales)in angiosperm evolution have historically been highly mutable. It is only recently, with the advent of phylogenetic techniques employing molecular sequence data, that the content and relationships of the family appear to have stabilized. Saxifragaceae is now thought to consist of ca. 30 genera of herbaceous plants and to form a monophyletic group with the small families Grossulariaceae (Ribes, the currants and gooseberries), Iteaceae (Chorstylis and Itea), and Pterostemonaceae (Pterostemon). The earliest known member ofthis saxifrage clade, Divisestylus, occurs in Turonian-age (ca. 90 Ma)sediments of New Jersey, USA, and appears---based on both comparative morphological analysis and cladistic analyses of Saxifragales with Divisestylus---to be most closely related to Iteaceae, being nearly identical in floral morphology but lacking the characteristic diporate, psilate pollen ofthe modern family. In contrast, the oldest potential member of Iteaceae proper,Iteaphyllum from the Eocene (ca. 49 Ma) Republic flora, Washington, USA,includes fossil leaves that co-occur with Itea sp. pollen in at least twolocalities. The worldwide fossil record of Iteaceae is extensive, and, while the modern family includes one eastern North American-eastern Asian disjuncttaxon (Itea) and one taxon endemic to eastern Africa (Choristylis), fossils suggest that in the Tertiary Iteaceae also occurred in western North Americafrom the Eocene to Miocene and Europe from the Eocene to Pliocene. In contrast,whereas Ribes is today distributed widely in the Northern Hemisphere and intothe Andes of South America, the fossil record of Grossulariaceae largely consists of leaf compressions restricted to western North America. Previously published papers suggest that Ribes appears in the Cretaceous and iswell-represented in Eocene to Pleistocene sediments. However, a reanalysis ofthe specimens on which this published record is based reveals that occurrences of Ribes leaf fossils are infrequent and restricted to the Eocene to Miocene in North America. Despite this, at least two subgeneric lineages within Ribes canbe recognized by the mid-Miocene, Symphocalyx and Cerophyllum/Caloboytra ,suggesting that they had diverged prior to that time. Saxifragaceae and Pterostemonaceae largely lack fossil records.
Description: 342 p.
ISBN: 9780542344596
Notes : Source:Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 66-09, Section: B, page: 4698.
Adviser: William L. Crepett.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Cornell University, 2005.
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.233) [The 234th issue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany-4: Cornellianl egend of Devonian palaeobotany
Umbrella of American palaeobotany--1:
An unfinished list of American palaeobotanists
2014-9-10 05:45
Umbrella of American palaeobotany-2:
Dr. Kirk Johnson--The Sant Director of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History [in Chinese]
2014-10-15 04:20
Umbrella of American palaeobotany-3:
The botanical and palaeobotanical lineages of great American palaeobotanist---- Henry N Andrews (1910--2002) with some European connections (in Chinese)
2014-10-30 01:51
Catalogue of Amhercian palaeobotany unmbrella ZA--Nov 30- 2014.pdf
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科学网—博物馆与古植物学专题 (Museum & Palaeobotany, 4th ed.)
网址: 科学网—美国康奈尔大学:辉煌的泥盆纪古植物学研究 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview518886.html
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