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李春晖,田雨桐,赵彦伟,王烜.突发水污染风险评价与应急对策研究进展[J].农业环境科学学报,2020,39(6):1161-1167.突发水污染风险评价与应急对策研究进展 Research progress on risk assessment and emergency countermeasures of sudden water pollution 投稿时间:2020-04-12   DOI:10.11654/jaes.2020-0411中文关键词: 突发水污染  风险源  风险受体  风险评价  应急预案 英文关键词: sudden water pollution  risk source  risk identification  risk assessment  emergency plan 基金项目:水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2018ZX07110001) 摘要点击次数: 2683 全文下载次数: 2885中文摘要:      突发水污染事故的频繁发生,严重威胁着水生态环境,使水生生物受到威胁,社会经济遭受损失,造成恶劣社会影响。因此在事故发生前进行风险识别与评价,并采取应急预防控制措施是减小事故危害的重要手段。本文采用文献调研法综述了以突发水污染风险识别为前提的风险评价与应急对策的研究现状及发展趋势,采取专家意见法提出环境风险受体量化分级依据。并采用类比法对突发水污染风险评价的方式进行归类,依据环境风险特征对应急对策进行研究。归纳出突发水污染风险源包括固定污染源及移动污染源两种,得出突发水污染风险评价包含3种方式:定性评价法、半定量评价法及定量评价法,构建了应急预案的预警指标体系,并按照反应时间流程对应急预案进行了梳理。未来突发水污染风险评价与应急对策将进一步拓展风险源识别,构建完善的评价技术规范体系。 英文摘要:       The frequent occurrence of sudden water pollution accidents seriously threatens the aquatic environment, threatens aquatic organisms, suffers social and economic losses, and causes bad social impacts. It is an important way to reduce the harm of the accident by carrying out risk identification and evaluation before the accident and adopting emergency prevention and control measures. This research used the literature survey method to summarize the research status and development trend of risk assessment and emergency countermeasures based on the identification of sudden water pollution risk, and adopted the expert opinion method to put forward the quantitative classification basis of environmental risk receptors the analogy method was used to classify the sudden water pollution risk assessment method, and studied the emergency countermeasures according to the environmental risk characteristics.Summing up the sudden water pollution risk sources included fixed pollution sources and mobile pollution sources, it was concluded that sudden water pollution risk assessment included three methods:Qualitative evaluation method, semi-quantitative evaluation method and quantitative evaluation method. And an early warning index system for emergency plans was constructed, and the emergency plans were sorted out according to the response time flow. In the future, sudden water pollution risk assessment and emergency countermeasures will further expand the identification of risk sources and build a comprehensive evaluation technical specification system. HTML   查看全文  查看/发表评论  下载PDF阅读器 参考文献(共60条):[1] 钟继洪, 郭庆荣, 谭军. 南亚热带丘陵赤红壤理化性质变化及其原因[J]. 地理研究, 2004, 23(3):312-320.ZHONG Ji-hong, GUO Qing-rong, TAN Jun. Studies on physical and chemical properties change(degradation)and its affected factors of latored soils in southern subtropical hills[J]. Geographical Research, 2004, 23(3):312-320.[2] 袁久芹, 梁音, 曹龙熹, 等.红壤坡耕地不同植物篱配置模式减流减沙效益对比[J]. 土壤, 2015, 47(2):400-407.
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