iris.csv 的各特征列为花萼长度(sepal_length)、花萼宽度(sepal_width)、花瓣长度(petal_length)、花瓣宽度(petal_width)、鸢尾花种类(iris_type),每种鸢尾花都对应50个数据记录, 共含150个数据记录。
(1) 所有鸢尾花的花萼与花瓣的长度、宽度的均值
(2) 不同种类的鸢尾花的花萼与花瓣的长度、宽度的均值
(3) 不同种类的鸢尾花的花萼与花瓣的长度、宽度的标准差
1、users.dat 数据格式为: 2::M::56::16::70072,共有6040条数据
对应字段为:UserID,Gender,Age, Occupation,Zipcode
2、movies.dat 数据格式为: 2::Jumanji (1995)::Adventure|Children’s|Fantasy,共有3883条数据
对应字段为:MovieID, Title, Genres
3、ratings.dat 数据格式为: 1::1193::5::978300760,共有1000209条数据
对应字段为:UserID, MovieID, Rating, Timestamped
(1) 被评分次数最多的10部电影
(2) 求 movie_id = 2116 这部电影各年龄段的平均影评(年龄段,影评分)
(3) 好片(评分>=4.0)最多的那个年份的最好看的10部电影
(4) 1997年上映的电影中评分最高的10部Comedy类电影
(5) 每个地区最高评分的电影名
(1) IrisRequirementRealization.scala
import java.util.Properties import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SparkSession, functions} class IrisRequirementRealization { def getIris(sparkSession: SparkSession): DataFrame = { val iris = sparkSession.read.format("jdbc").option( "url","jdbc:mysql://master:3306/iris" ).option( "driver","com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ).option( "user", "root" ).option( "password", "Hive@2020" ).option( "dbtable","iris" ).load() iris } def requirementA(sparkSession: SparkSession): Unit ={ val iris = getIris(sparkSession) iris.createOrReplaceTempView("iris_temp") val df = sparkSession.sql("SELECT AVG(sepal_length) as sepal_length_avg, AVG(sepal_width) sepal_width_avg, AVG(petal_length) petal_length_avg, AVG(petal_width) petal_width_avg FROM iris_temp") df.show() } def requirementB(sparkSession: SparkSession): Unit ={ val iris = getIris(sparkSession) var df = iris.groupBy("iris_type").avg("sepal_length","sepal_width","petal_length","petal_width") df = df.withColumn("stat_name", functions.lit("avg")) df.show() df.printSchema() val schema = StructType( List( StructField("iris_type", IntegerType, nullable = true), StructField("sepal_length_stat", DoubleType, nullable = true), StructField("sepal_width_stat", DoubleType, nullable = true), StructField("petal_length_stat", DoubleType, nullable = true), StructField("petal_width_stat", DoubleType, nullable = true), StructField("stat_name", StringType, nullable = true), ) ) df = sparkSession.createDataFrame(df.rdd, schema) df.printSchema() writeToMysql(df) } def requirementC(sparkSession: SparkSession): Unit ={ val iris = getIris(sparkSession) iris.createOrReplaceTempView("temp_iris") val df = sparkSession.sql("SELECT iris_type, STD(sepal_length) as sepal_length_stat, STD(sepal_width) as sepal_width_stat, STD(petal_length) as petal_length_stat, STD(petal_width) petal_width_stat, "std" as stat_name FROM temp_iris GROUP BY iris_type") df.show() df.printSchema() writeToMysql(df) } def writeToMysql(df: DataFrame): Unit ={ val p = new Properties() p.put("user","root") p.put("password", "Hive@2020") p.put("driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") df.write.mode("append").jdbc( "jdbc:mysql://master:3306/iris", "iris.stat", p ) } }
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768(2) IrisMain.scala
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import scala.io.StdIn import scala.util.control.Breaks object IrisMain { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit ={ val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().appName("Iris").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate() val y = new IrisRequirementRealization() Breaks.breakable{ while(true){ println("A. 所有鸢尾花的花萼与花瓣的长度、宽度的均值") println("B. 不同种类的鸢尾花的花萼与花瓣的长度、宽度的均值") println("C. 不同种类的鸢尾花的花萼与花瓣的长度、宽度的标准差") println("------------------------------------") println("Enter the requirement code to see the result(X to quit):") val input = StdIn.readLine().trim input match { case "A" => y.requirementA(sparkSession) case "B" => y.requirementB(sparkSession) case "C" => y.requirementC(sparkSession) case "X" => Breaks.break() case _ => println("Invalid Input") } } } } }
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 2. Movie(1) MovieRequirementRealization.scala
import java.io.File import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession class MovieRequirementRealization { def getProjectRootPath: String ={ val projectRoot: String = System.getProperty("user.dir") projectRoot } def requirementA(spark: SparkSession): Unit ={ val dfA = spark.sql( "with movie_rated_count as (select rate.movie_id,count(*) as rated_count from rate group by movie_id) " + "select movie.title as movie_name,movie_rated_count.rated_count as rated_count " + "from movie_rated_count join movie on(movie_rated_count.movie_id=movie.movie_id) order by rated_count desc limit 10" ) dfA.show() val projectRoot = getProjectRootPath val files: String = "file://" + projectRoot + "/src/main/scala/Movie_Requirement_A_Out" dfA.write.csv(files) } def requirementB(spark: SparkSession): Unit ={ val dfB = spark.sql( "select the_user.age,avg(rating) as avg_rating from the_user join rate on(the_user.user_id=rate.user_id) where rate.movie_id=2116 group by the_user.age" ) dfB.show() val projectRoot = getProjectRootPath val files: String = "file://" + projectRoot + "/src/main/scala/Movie_Requirement_B_Out" dfB.write.format("csv").save(files) } def requirementC(spark: SparkSession): Unit ={ val dfC = spark.sql( "with " + "x as (select movie.movie_id as movie_id,movie.title as title,substr(movie.title,-5,4) as movie_year," + "avg(rate.rating) as avg_rating " + "from rate join movie on(rate.movie_id=movie.movie_id) " + "group by movie.movie_id,movie.title), " + "y as (select x.movie_year as movie_year,count(*) as total " + "from x where x.avg_rating>=4.0 " + "group by movie_year " + "order by total desc limit 1) " + "select x.movie_id as movie_id,x.title as title,x.avg_rating as rating " + "from x join y on(x.movie_year=y.movie_year) order by avg_rating desc limit 10" ) dfC.show() val projectRoot = getProjectRootPath val files: String = "file://" + projectRoot + "/src/main/scala/Movie_Requirement_C_Out" dfC.write.csv(files) } def requirementD(spark: SparkSession): Unit ={ val dfD = spark.sql( "with x as (select movie.movie_id as movie_id,movie.title as title,substring(movie.title,-5,4) as movie_year,avg(rate.rating) as avg_rating " + "from rate join movie on(rate.movie_id=movie.movie_id) group by movie.movie_id,movie.title) " + "select x.movie_id,x.title,x.avg_rating from x join movie on(x.movie_id=movie.movie_id) " + "where x.movie_year=1997 and array_contains(movie.genres,'Comedy') order by avg_rating desc limit 10" ) dfD.show() val projectRoot = getProjectRootPath val files: String = "file://" + projectRoot + "/src/main/scala/Movie_Requirement_D_Out" dfD.write.format("csv").save(files) } def requirementE(spark: SparkSession): Unit ={ val dfE = spark.sql( "with " + "x as (select the_user.zip_code as zipcode,movie.movie_id as movie_id,movie.title as movie_name,avg(rate.rating) as avgrating " + "from the_user join rate on rate.user_id=the_user.user_id join movie on rate.movie_id=movie.movie_id group by the_user.zip_code,movie.movie_id,movie.title), " + "y as (select x.zipcode as zipcode,x.movie_name as movie_name,x.avgrating as avgrating,row_number() over(distribute by x.zipcode sort by x.avgrating desc) as num from x) " + "select y.zipcode,y.movie_name,y.avgrating from y where num=1" ) dfE.show() val projectRoot = getProjectRootPath val files: String = "file://" + projectRoot + "/src/main/scala/Movie_Requirement_E_Out" dfE.write.csv(files) } }
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980(2) MovieMain.scala
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import scala.io.StdIn import scala.util.control.Breaks object MovieMain { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit ={ val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().appName("Movie").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate() val x = new MovieRequirementRealization() Breaks.breakable{ while(true){ println("A. 被评分次数最多的10部电影") println("B. 求 movie_id = 2116 这部电影各年龄段的平均影评(年龄段,影评分)") println("C. 好片(评分>=4.0)最多的那个年份的最好看的10部电影") println("D. 1997年上映的电影中评分最高的10部Comedy类电影") println("E. 每个地区最高评分的电影名") println("------------------------------------") println("Enter the requirement number to see the result(X to quit):") val input = StdIn.readLine().trim input match { case "A" => x.requirementA(sparkSession) case "B" => x.requirementB(sparkSession) case "C" => x.requirementC(sparkSession) case "D" => x.requirementD(sparkSession) case "E" => x.requirementE(sparkSession) case "X" => Breaks.break() case _ => println("Invalid Input") } } } } }
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 三、运行结果 1. Iris
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
(5) E
网址: Spark SQL实验:鸢尾花、影评数据集分析存储 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview546223.html
上一篇: 基于鸢尾花数据集实施自组织神经网 |
下一篇: MATLAB鸢尾花数据集K |