《花卉鉴赏与花艺》课程简介 课程代码: 课程名称(中英文) 学时 学分 先修课程 (中英文) 推荐修 读学期 花卉鉴赏与花艺 / Flowers appreciation and artistry 34 2 无 课程简介: 花卉鉴赏与花艺是面向全校学生开设的公共选修课,是由花卉与艺术相融合 而成的一门课程,具有很强的实践性、艺术性和趣味性;本课程主要包括植物概 论、花卉鉴赏、花艺和压花艺术四部分内容,主要讲授花卉概念、类型、应用、 各国国花及名花识别与赏析和压花艺术;总学时34学时,课堂讲授18学时,实 践教学16学时。通过本课程学习,使学生了解和掌握植物学的基本知识,加深 学生对生物多样性的理解,从而树立生物多样性保护的意识;同时以花卉为切入 点,通过学习和实践花卉鉴赏及压花艺术,增强学生的审美情趣和艺术修养,提 高学生的动手能力,进而培养学生创新意识和创新能力,促进学生综合素质的全 面发展。 考核方式由理论课成绩和实践课成绩组成,理论课成绩为作业与课堂表现成 绩,占总成绩30%;实验课成绩由实验操作与作品成绩组成,占总成绩70%。 Flowers appreciation and artistry” a discipline combined of floriculture and artistic equivale nt with highly practical, artistic and in terest ing, which ope ns for all students in public. This course includes introduction of botany, flower appreciation, floral art and pattern art, mainly concerned the concepts, types, application of flowers, national flowers and flowers recognition and appreciation, floral art and Pattern art. This course will last for 34 classes, 18 classes are class teachi ng and 16 classes are clinical practice. By learning this course, it will help students well know and master bota ni cal basic kno wledge, and make stude nts un dersta nd biodiversity well to set for firms to protect biodiversity; At the same time, as the breakthrough point with flower, by lear ning, appreciat ing flowers and pattern art to improve stude nts aesthetic charm, artistic culture and the ability of practice, thus cultivating the ability and originality of innovation. That can advance the all-around development of stude nts. 撰写人: 系教学主管签字(盖章): 院公章: 时间: 年 月 日
2 花文化与花卉鉴赏
网址: 花卉鉴赏与花艺课程简介(中英文版).docx https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview5497.html
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