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克隆植物中的同步雌雄异熟现象研究进展     被引量:1

A Review of Synchronous Dichogamy in Clonal Plants




英文题名:A Review of Synchronous Dichogamy in Clonal Plants

作者:宁宇[1,2] 王义飞[1,2] 林海晏[3] 李肖夏[1] 武高洁[1,2,4] 马骅[1,2] 郭菊兰[1,2] 玛吉措[5]








外文期刊名:Journal of Northwest Forestry University





外文关键词:clonal plant;synchronous dichogamy;clonal diversity;geitonogamy;self-compatibility;mating pattern


Clonal growth is a common trait in plants.It has profound effect in the mating pattern and long term evolution of plant population but is currently seldom explored.Clonal growth is usually associated with mass flowering,restricted pollen dispersal,and geitonogamous self-pollination,which can result in inbreeding depression and pollen discounting.However,mating costs can be reduced by differences in the relative timing of female and male function(dichogamy).Synchronous dichogamy,a subtype of dichogamy,fulfills:1)dichogamy within one flower;2)having the same sexual phase between different flowers at a given time.It’s a potentially effective mechanism to limit inter/intra ramet geitonogamy,as well as a unique way to provide reproductive assurance.In this review,we surveyed related literatures of the past two decades.We focused on the concepts and evolutionary significance of synchronous dichogamy in clonal plants.A summary of acquired information on systematic distribution,research methods and ecological significance of synchronous dichogamy in clonal plants was presented.We recommend future research efforts to address such aspects:1)universal and effective metrics to evaluate synchronicity of different sex function separately;2)the ecological implication of selfing compatibility in synchronous dichogamy;3)the interaction of clonal diversity and mating patterns with synchronicity taken into consideration;4)abiotic pollination and synchronous dichogamy in clonal plants.


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