向日葵因形状像小太阳,并且具有向阳性,故得名向日葵。英语名称“Sunflower”却不是因为它的向阳特性,而是因为其黄花开似太阳的缘故。16-17世纪"Sunflower"一词从拉丁语"Flos Solis"借译过来。向日葵的法语、意大利语和西班牙语名称"Tournesol"和"Girasol",同汉语名称一样,也是基于“向日”这一特性来命名的。
Sunflower is named sunflower because it is shaped like a small sun and is positive. The English name "Sunflower" is not because of its sun-oriented characteristics, but because its yellow flowers bloom like the sun. The word "Sunflower" was borrowed from the Latin "Flos Solis" in the 16th-17th century. The French, Italian and Spanish names of Sunflower "Tournesol" and "Girasol", like the Chinese name, are also named based on the characteristic of "向日".
In fact, sunflower is one of the crops with the most aliases in Chinese, so that it has become a classic linguistic example of the phenomenon of homogeneity between dialects. The classic textbook of Peking University "Outline of Linguistics" mentions: "... It is also a 'sunflower', and there are also different names in various dialects of Chinese. Tangshan, Hebei Province is called 'Sunturning', Chengde is called 'Suns Turn', Renqiu is called 'Wangtian Turn', Jinan, Shandong Province is called 'Sunflower', and Changle is called 'Sunflower'. Ju County is called 'turn the sun sunflower', Qixia is called 'turn the sun lotus', and Shaoyang in Hunan Province is called 'pantou melon seeds' and so on.
Immersed in the sea of music,
he forgot about time and the outside world.
Despite so many aliases, it was finally a scenic spot of "Sunflower" and became the common name of this crop in the whole Chinese world. The first mention of this name was also a book at the end of the Ming Dynasty - Wen Zhenheng's "Changwuzhi". Since then, Chen Yuzi's "Flower Mirror" and other works in the Qing Dynasty have also used this name. Obviously, "Sunflower" is a new name from the ancient plant name "Sunflower".
Sunflower is an annual herb with a height of 1-3 meters. The main root is cylindrical, narrowing downward, with a very large number of lateral roots and fibrous fine roots. The stem is upright, thick, green, white with long and hard hairs, usually not branched, and there are a few branches in the upper part. The leaves are alternate, the leaves are heart-shaped or wide-ovate, 10-30 cm long or longer, 7-24 cm or wider, the apex is acuminate or sparse, the base is heart-shaped, flat or triangular, the edges are irregularly coarsely serrated, the surface is green, the back is light green, both sides are short and rough, there are 3 base veins, and the number of lateral veins are pairs. The leaf veins are raised on both sides, and the veins are white with long hard hairs; the petiole is long, with long white hard hairs and short rough hairs.
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Tongue-shaped flowers 1 layer, most, yellow or golden yellow, oval oblong, oblong, narrow oval or narrow oblong, not strong; most tubular flowers, corolla yellow, brown or purple, crown eaves cylindrical, apex 5 lobed, crown tube very short, stamen 5, anthers dark purple, combined with synthetic tube-shaped, stigma 2 branches, dense quilt Mao. The thin fruit is obovate, long obovate or obovate oblong, slightly flattened, with fine ribs, often white and slightly pubescent; 2 crown hairs, diaphragm-like, early falling. The flower and fruit period is July-September.
Immersed in the sea of music,
he forgot about time and the outside world.
The most common sunflower height is 2.5-3.5 meters, with a maximum height of 9.17 meters. According to the scientific literature report of 1567, it has always been believed that the single-headed sunflower plant is planted in Padua, Italy, with a height of up to 12 meters. The same seeds can be planted at other times and places, such as Madrid, Spain, and the plant height can reach nearly 8 meters. In the Netherlands and Canada, Ontario, a more recent record is that there were more than 8 meters of plants in the early 20th century.
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