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Year Published/Registered:1719

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental


Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Bokuhan'

Species/Combination:C. japonica

Chinese Name:卜伴

Japanese Name:卜伴 ぼくはん

Meaning:personal name


Aiwu  Chinese synonym for Japanese C. japonica Bokuhan.

Bohan  Domoto Catalogue, 1948. Orthographic error for Bokuhan.

Bokuban  Different reading for Bokuhan in Shirai-Bunko, 1789, Shoshiki Hanagatachō.

Bokuhan-tsubaki  Itō, Ihei, 1719, Kōekichikinshō. Considered a synonym for Bokuhan.

Bokyhan  Fendig, 1953, American Camellia Catalogue. Corruption of the Japanese name Bokuhan.

Gakkō Cho, [before 1867], Chinkafu.Different reading: ‘Gekkō’. See, Kyōto Engei Kurabu, 1960, Tsubaki Tokushū, No.1, p.21 and Tuyama, 1968, Camellia Cultivars of Japan, p.224. The name refers to the Bod­hisattva Gakkō and also means moonlight. Synonym for Bokuhan.

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Gekkō Different reading for ‘Gakko’, synonym for Bokuhan.

Hakushin-bokuhan (White Stamens Bokuhan), Tuyama, 1966, Camellia Cultivars of Japan, p.224. Described as a synonym for Bokuhan. A local name in the Chūbu District for Bokuhan.

Hyōgo (Place Name), Chinka Zufu, (before 1700), Watanabe, 1969, pl.94: Very small, very deep crimson, anemone form with 5 outer petals and a short, white petaloid centre. Originated in Japan. Thought to be a synonym for Bokuhan.

Tinsie SCCS., 1947, The Camellia. Its Culture and Nomenclature. Synonym for Bokuhan. Imported from Japan to the USA by the Star Nursery, California about 1930. Sold to Harry Davis, El Monte, California who gave it the synonym ‘Tinsie’.

卜伴 杨绍溥,1978,台湾茶花,p.66. No.64.新竹市茶花产销班目录,2002-2006, p.43, No.518.

爱物 美国异名'Tinsie'的中文别名.

» English Description

Itō, Ihei, 1719, Kōekichikinshō, vol.I as ‘Bokuhan-tsubaki’; Itō, Jukyū, 1739, Honzō Hanamaki’e as ‘Bokuhan’; Shirai-bunko, 1789, Shoshihi Hanagatachō as ‘Bokuban’; Kasuya, Kamegorō, 1849, Tsubaki Irohanayose Irotsuki as ‘Bokuhan’; Iwasaki, Tsune­masa,1828, Honzō Zufu: Red outer guard petals and a compact, white petaloid centre. A minia­ture, 5-6 cm across, anemone form. Mid-season blooming. Vigorous, upright growth with long oval leaves, strong green, acuminate and finely serrate, obvious venation. Western synonmy: ‘Tinsie’. Other synonyms: ‘Gakkō’, ‘Gekkō’, ‘Bokuhan-tsubaki’, Hakushin-bokuhan’. Corrup­tion of Japanese names: ‘Bokyhan’, ‘Bohan’. Different reading: ‘Bokuban’. It was described and illustrated in Ishii, 1930, Illustrated Horticultural Plants of Japan, Tuyama, 1966, Camellia Cultivars of Japan, pl.130, p.224; Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.I, 1972, pp.155, 156, pl.365 & p.345. Seibundō Shinkōsha, 1979, Senchinshū, p.141 & p.248, Macoboy, 1981, The Colour Dictionary of Camellias, p.129; Adachi, 1960, Camellia. Its Appreciation and Artistic Arrangements, p.215 and on the front cover of New Zealand Camellia Bulletin, 1972, vol.VII, No.5; Yokoyama & Kirino, 1989, Nihon no Chinka, p.357. Mutations: Hoshi-iri-bokuhan, Blush Tinsie, Yukimochi-bokuhan. Originated in the Kantō District, Japan. Chinese synonym: ‘Aiwu’. This cultivar was awarded  as an AGM (Award of Garden Merit) plant by the Royal Horticultural Society in 2002 at H5 rate (hardy: cold winter; -15°C to -10°C).

» Chinese Description

卜伴,ぼくはん,‘Bokuhan’(C. japonica),陈丽惠2013年《山茶花谱台湾情》第157页,【花】:红、唐子型、迷你~小輪、中~晩生。【葉】長橢圓、小型。立性、枝疏。江戶時期即是名花的古典品種。

高继银、苏玉华、胡羡聪,2007. 《国内外茶花名种识别与欣赏》,第49页。Bokuhan(卜瓣),日本江户,传到美国后被称为‘Tinsie’(爱物)。花浓红色,托桂型,微型花,外轮花瓣宽圆,平铺,花心雄蕊完全瓣化,形成白色小花瓣,排列整齐,花丝红色,花朵稠密。叶片浓绿色,长椭圆形,较小,植株立性,枝软,生长旺盛。花期中至晚。

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.35.  Bokuhan,卜伴(C.japonica)  红山茶。1719,日本关东。单瓣、唐子形、深红色、白花心、小轮(5〜6cm)、花期2〜3月,树性直立、枝细、蓬松、长势强。同种异名: Gakkō (月光)、Hakushin-bokuhan (白芯卜伴)、Tinsie (丁西)。 突变种: Hoshi-iri-bokuhan (星入卜伴)、Blush Tinsie 。卜伴一杨绍溥,1978,《台湾茶花》,p.66. No.64.  Bokuhan (卜伴)一《新竹市茶花产销班目录》,2002-2006, p.43, No.518.

» Japanese Description

講談社 1975年 《現代椿集》 P.346. 保育社 .1974年. 《つばき》安藤芳顕著 p.217. 文化出版局. 1975. 《現代椿名鑑》. P.210  淡交社.1989年. 《日本の椿花》.p100  誠文堂新光社.1998.《日本ツバキ.サザンカ名鑑》.p.239. 日本ツバキ協会. 2010. 《最新日本ツバキ図鑑》. p.100. 江戸產. [花]濃紅色、一重、唐子咲き、花芯の唐子は白、小輪、3~4月。[葉]長楕円、小形。[樹]立性、枝は細く疎。[来歴]1719年「広益地錦抄」など江戸期より知られた古典品種中の名花、別名:月光、白芯卜伴(愛知)、白斑入りは星入卜伴。写/佐藤、文/編集委員会


Flower Size: 5-6 cm

Blooming Season: 2-3 Month Japan


Recommend Links: Bokuan-tsubaki、Bokusai、Bokuzu、Bokusui

网址: Bokuhan https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview586069.html

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