ZHANG Lu, JING Xiaoli, SU Zhiyao, DU Weijing. Rhododendron plants in Nanling mountains along an altitudinal gradient and the prospect of landscape greening[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2014, 35(2): 73-77. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2014.02.014
Citation: ZHANG Lu, JING Xiaoli, SU Zhiyao, DU Weijing. Rhododendron plants in Nanling mountains along an altitudinal gradient and the prospect of landscape greening[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2014, 35(2): 73-77. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2014.02.014
华南农业大学 林学院
基金项目: 广东省自然科学基金(9451064201003716)
计量 文章访问数: 1636 HTML全文浏览量: 0 PDF下载量: 1796 出版历程 收稿日期: 2013-05-29 刊出日期: 2014-03-09College of Forestry, South China Agricultural University,
摘要: 【目的】从植物资源利用的角度,定量研究南岭山地杜鹃花沿海拔梯度的分布,以期为城乡园林绿化推荐可供引种的潜在杜鹃花种类.【方法】在南岭山地海拔700~1 900 m范围内,采用样方法设置样地,运用相关分析和双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)探讨南岭山地垂直带谱上的杜鹃花分异特征.【结果和结论】基于15 600 m2 样方数据,南岭山地共有杜鹃花属植物7种,皆为小径阶的常绿灌木或小乔木;TWINSPAN将7种杜鹃花分为3大类,第1大类由刺毛杜鹃 Rhododendron championae、猴头杜鹃 R. simiarum 和龙山杜鹃 R. chunii 组成,第2大类由多花杜鹃 R. cavaleriei 、广东杜鹃 R.kwangtungense 和腺萼马银花 R. bachii 组成,云锦杜鹃 R.fortunei 自成第3大类,分类结果反映出南岭山地杜鹃花属沿海拔梯度的变化,揭示采用数量分类方法能够根据植被组成反映环境特点的生态原理;垂直带谱上,多花杜鹃分布最为广泛,其次为腺萼马银花,刺毛杜鹃和猴头杜鹃出现在多个海拔段.
关键词: 垂直带谱 / 杜鹃花 / 园林绿化 / 南岭Abstract: 【Objective】The objective was to determine the altitudinal pattern of Rhododendron plant distribution and the potential of using indigenous Rhododendron plant resource in landscape greening.【Method】 The continuous transect sampling method was employed and a total area of 15 600 m2 was surveyed. A horizontal transect (10 m×120 m) was placed at an 100 m altitudinal interval from 700 m to 1 900 m a. s. l., representing the altitudinal range of Rhododendron in Nanling mountains of north Guangdong. The contiguous grid quadrat sampling method was used for plant census in each transect, which consisted of 12 quadrats (10 m×10 m). Correlation analysis and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) were used to analyze the altitudinal patterns of Rhododendron species.【Result and conclusion】 Seven Rhododendron species were found in the 15 600 m2 plot, all of which were perennial evergreen woody shrubs or small trees. These Rhododendron species were divided into three categories by TWINSPAN. The first category was R. championae, R. simiarum and R. chunii; the second was R. cavaleriei, R. kwangtungense and R. bachii, and the third was R. fortunei. These TWINSPAN results indicated that environmental factors influenced the distribution and ecological characteristics of Rhododendron species. The most widely distributed species in an altitudinal spectrum is R. cavaleriei, followed by R.bachii and R. championae. The altitudinal patterns of these native Rhododendron species reflect their bioclimatic adaptation and phenology, which have potentials for use in landscape greening.
计量 文章访问数: 1636 HTML全文浏览量: 0 PDF下载量: 1796 出版历程 收稿日期: 2013-05-29 刊出日期: 2014-03-09相关知识
杜鹃花的产地分布 杜鹃花的品种分类
张健教授课题组在《Soil Biology and Biochemistry》上揭示微气候在驱动山地土壤微生物多样性中的主导作用
网址: 南岭山地杜鹃花沿海拔梯度的分布及其园林应用前景 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview618871.html
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