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3 2008, 17(3): 1282-1289 Ecology and Environment E-mail: 基金项目: SE “ EB ” S/92006BAD10B05 S S M7Z_ “KSCX2-YW-N-51-02 KZCX3-SW-435 作者简介: l 1974 o rEB p V1V Yl b E-mail: *YT E-mail: 收稿日期: 2007-12-25土壤改良剂的研究与应用进展 l *1. r ja a u“|1K r 3 ?Zb 2000 M W jFFAO Wr or| 3 500 km29r 26% j 72 r PAM H9Ahl r . zr . ? V ?hl PAM 73b rF 0.15 %PAM VA r r 74| PAM r ?4r F K FBW r 75bFrancisco7677 9 H| PAM 9 P r 1i q4h r S K b Sojka71YVvB k?Cr PAMr rT Ab W.J. Busscher67?C PAM a % r VC A T PAMr1Bb 2g dbTbr PAM V Pr aaa r rKc 9F78bPAMr ?9Fr NH4+aNO3-aK+aPO43- h % PAM vTv79b9?Cr PAM ) r Prr _/ %MF S . rr rT# T 3Yl r 4Z 1287J. j? , . x rr J. r , 1995, 32(3): 534-540. Wu Jiahua, Dong Yunzhong, Liu Jiqing, et al. Study on effect of soil amelioration with Coal AshJ. Acta Pedological Sinica, 1995, 32(3): 534-540. 19 GHODRATI M, SIMS J T, VASILAS B L. Evaluation of fly ash as a soil amendment for the Atlantic coastal plain, Soil hydraulic properties and elemental leachingJ. Water Soil Air Pollution, 1995, 81: 349-61. 20 RAUTARAY, S K., GHOSH, B C. MITTRA, B N. Effect of fly ash, organic wastes and chemical fertilizers on yield, nutrient uptake, heavy metal content and residual fertility in a rice-mustard cropping se-quence under acid lateritic soilsJ. Bioresource Technology, 2003, 90: 275-283. 21 FAIL J L, WOCHOK, Z S. Soybean growth on fly ash amended strip mine spoilsJ. Plant and Soil, 1977, 48: 473-484. 22 PAGE A L, ELSEEWI A A, STRAUGHAN I R. Physical and chemical properties of fly ash from coal-fired power plants with special refer-ence to environmental impactsJ. Residue Review, 1979, 71: 83-120. 23 VINCINI M, CARINI F, SILVA S. Use of alkaline fly ash as an amendment for swine manureJ. Bioresource Technology, 1994, 49: 213-222. 24 LAI K M, YE D Y, WONG J W C. Enzyme activities in a sandy soil amended with sewage sludge and coal fly ashJ. Water Air Soil Pollu-tion, 1999, 113: 261-272. 25 PITCHEL J R, HAYES J M. Influence of fly ash on soil microbial activity and populationsJ. Journal of Environmental Quality, 1990, 19: 593-597. 26 SCHUTTER M E, FUHRMANN J J. Soil microbial community re-sponses to fly ash amendment as revealed by analyses of whole soils and bacterial isolatesJ. Soil Biology 2. College of Environmental Science and EngineeringHohai UniversityNanjing 210098, China; 3. Joint Laboratory on Soil and Environment, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences-Hongkong Baptist UniversityISSAS- HKBU, Najing 210008, China; 4. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Abstract: It is very important to study and utilize the soil amendments for the more and more serious soil degradation. In this paper, the advances in research and utilization of soil amendments were reviewed. The soil amendments were classified to four tapes: natu-ral amendments, Synthetic amendments, natural-synthetic copolymer, biological amendments. The utilization and shortage of differ-ent soil amendments were discussed as well. In the recent years, researchers have been focused on develop multi-functional amend-ments use natural material (especially industrial and agricultural waste). In the past, it mainly focused on soil harden or loss of water in soil. In the future, researches of soil amendments on soil biological degradation s


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